Need to scrape 1.4M followers of one specific account

Hi, i would like to know if anyone can do it and how much it will cost. Also, how long it would take.

I need the username and number of followers of all those 1.4M followers.


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Hey Sheviii, from what i experience you have 2 seperate scrape operations:

  1. Get all usernames of the account
  2. Get the info of the usernames you scraped (get number of followers)

Operation 2 can be done with multiple scrapers and therefore, you will have your users in a short amount of time, depending on how many scrapers you want to buy.
Operation 1 can only be done with one scraper (in my experience), and the speed will be only 20k users per day at max. That’s why scraping 1.4m followers of one single account will last approximately 70days imo. And that is only if the account will not get banned for performing too many api requests etc. Maybe there are other methods, but from how good i know the api, i think that’s the only way to get all followers of a 1.4m account

You should be able to continue scraping with the end_cursor key :slight_smile:.

I think that key is not session bound.

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Whats the end_curser key?

Wow, didn’t know that, thank you for the tip. Then you can handle the cursor_key to the next scraper. The last time i tried that tho, it did not work. But maybe there was an error in my code. Then my last post was bs. You’ll be finished in no time. The faster you want the data - the more you’ll have to pay.

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Or they changed it or I remember wrong :sweat_smile:



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@heroeslair After you do a api request on followers of a specific account, you’ll get a cursorkey to do the next api request for the next 100 followers.


Oh true. I use a program do to do, but usually stops at 200 so probably doesn’t have that built in.

Asuming you add this to a script. Would that mean you can keep scraping till the account dies?

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Yes you can scrape until the account dies, and assuming @HenryCooper is right you can hand the cursor key to a new scraper to keep on scraping.

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That’s not true. I managed to scrape 1 million in 3 days. To scrape data from 1 million accounts (such as usernames, follower count, email, etc) depends on how many scrapers you use, you can scrape 1 million accounts even in 1 hour if you really want that.

what do you have to do with it

After the new update, instagram makes it even easier to scrape. The Mobile-Api had instead of a cursor “next_max_id” this was a hash value for pagination. Now it’s true text, which allows you to scrape at any position. So after you did your 200request, you can hand over the “next_max_id” to the next scraper -> never ending scraping