New ban wave (28/3/2018) - Is twitter dead?

I got all my accounts suspended today 30 accounts. They are similar accounts which I use to lead gen for the company that I work for. 7-8 accounts are permanently suspended (received email after appeal.)

I worked fine for a month and a half. All I did was follow 50 people a day, and DM new followers. Generally 10 followers a day on each account.

It happened today after my boss sent me a like to Jarvee and told me to set everything up on VPS. I had proxies and everything set up. I got he proxies and vps from the recommended site on the Jarvee website.

I had tried Jarvee on my computer for 3 weeks with around 10 accounts without any proxy, and it worked fine. So I set up VPS and proxy for all 30 accounts yesterday with the same settings and today…all suspended.

Anyone who are using the same method to lead gen here? Is this normal? Do you guys just keep getting accs ban and purchase new account every time it got ban?

Twitter is getting so annoying these days…all phone verifications on all new accounts. I hate to set up everything again and again.

oh that Jarvee…

You were using a residential IP before you started using proxies, which is less likely to get accounts banned. How many accounts per proxy?

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Twitter has been dead for a while tbh. Only thing that matters is viral content. Twitter use to be my main platform, and despite having 60,000+ followers on my personal account, I get 500x the engagement on my instagram with 17k followers.

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Yes, I was using residential IP before I started using proxies, I put 10 accounts up on Jarvee by using my own IP. Does that mean datacenter proxy is no good for twitter? Residential proxy is pretty expensive…I will to recreate 30 accounts…fml Do you have any recommendation where I can get PVA?

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Yeah, I know…twitter is spam. We do B2B writing service, with is kinda hard to sell on twitter. And those twitter accs are just for messaging people and lead gen. I ran that myself, we got over 150 leads a month. 4 pending to close. My boss insist on using twitter, which I think linkedIn has a better chance for his business. He just keep say his friend has 100 accounts and generating over 1000 leads a month closing 20-30 new clients.

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Oh, 2-3 accounts per proxy. They just chainban all my account this morning (28 accounts), I stoped Jarvee right after to save the remaining 2 accounts…but RIP all 30 accounts.

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There is no way they did it manually, it was instant automatic ban, it happens on instagram too. Twitter and instagram can detect something unusual using their algorithms which triggers an automatic ban.

go slow and warm them up

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I have the same problem since a few months. Can’t automate Twitter anymore. Even if I follow 20 people per day I get an immediate PV. Instagram it’s getting there as well.

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Twitter is pretty strict these days honestly

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Today I wanted to set up a business account for me on my home IP (I never abused this one for twitter). After trying to find an available username (most were already unavailable) and about 10 attempts to find one, they blocked my account and asked for a PV. :flushed:

I mean, c’mon, Twitter, seriously?! :smile:

So it seems this is right:

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An accoutn I have of 20k, personal only, no actions, as a VOIP number I have had on it since day 1 just got banned and becasue they now dont accpet VOIP numbers I am caught in an endless cycle of trying to appeal and their only response is ’ we will text you’ followed by ‘we dont support that number’

Sheer Clan-Mac-Fuckery