[NEW] Error-Please Wait A Few Minutes Before You Try Again

Ya, I saw my account doesn’t have that error anymore but … I will keep monitoring haha =D

Yep, been having this problem since last night yesterday. It said that I needed to wait a while before I tried again, but nothing even happened or got better. What should I do next?

These problems occur, in my opinion, is due to the type of proxies you used… for example, IPv4 or IPv6… If you are using a Mobile proxy and this occurs, rest the account around 24 hours or so, and reset the device, and clear cookies… I am sure this would solve it but if it doesn’t … LOL … I have no clue and personally, I would leave it and create a new account instead =D

So what you’re saying is that the next time I should login into my account is in the next 25 hours? I’ve been worried that my IP address have been banned! How can I reset my proxy? How did it work for you?

EDIT: this first happened around 8pm last night.

well … I did not do anything different with my proxy… because I am using mobile proxy… if you are using it too then you should maybe take a rest on the account and see how it goes…

I think you will have to stop trying to at least for 48-72 hours and give the account some rest

Is it okay if I wait another 24 hours till tomorrow (my last attempt was yesterday at 9:30am) making it 48 hours total

yes that would be good, you can even wait for a another 48 hours to be safer and try again.

Did you ever get back in? I’m in this situation now