Hello automation nerds,
I’ve been a long time lurker and this is my first post
I’ve read a few topics over the past year where people request specific features from the Jarvee developers and have them implemented really quickly. I have two features that I will be requesting from the developers and would like your opinion. If you like my ideas, you can also send a request for the feature by linking them here so that they prioritize it’s implementation!
Feature #1
Randomize after max follows per day has been reached (basically once the warm-up phase is over).
Without this option enabled, Jarvee will follow 185-200 people per day (once warm-up phase is complete - based on the img). However with this option enabled, once the warm-up phase is over and max-follows has been reached, it will randomize it to your liking (100-200 based on img).
I understand that this can be achieved manually. I have many clients that are at different stages of the follow/unfollow cycle, it would be very time consuming to wait until they reach their max follows per day and then go in 1 by 1 on different dates to make changes in efforts to humanize the actions.
Feature #2
Auto-reset follow limits after action-block / temp-block (and when tool is no longer suspended)
Normally when a client receives any sort of block, the tool can be suspended anywhere between a couple of hours to a couple of days (and lately, a couple of weeks ). Depending on the type of block, you would then need to rest the account and restart the warm-up phase manually.
This can be very time consuming and take away from higher priority business matters, creativity and time from your personal life.
EDIT( added feature3 based on comments)
Feature #3
Maximum limiters (stops tool when numbers are reached - temp/perm)
Allows you to set maximum limits where the tool will stop working. If you don’t select start tool , the tool will automatically start as soon as it drops below set limiters. You can select start tool and set a time-frame(minutes) where the tool will start working again when the total follows drops below the set limiter variable.
This way you can be sure that you are not going over a speculated limit. It can also be great for testing limits!
Thanks in advance!