The doctorate is in theology, i never claimed to have had one in any other field. The original latin term for doctor mean teacher, that is what i was for many years before I had recall of over a decade of childhood sexual abuse that lead to CPTSD and a complete mental and life breakdown.
The fact that I am not a therapist or a psychologist, but a man who has had to work out his personal mental health issues is the reason that people are finding that they can connect with the story.
Here is an extended trailer to a film that featured my story last year, it will help you better in your harsh and unjustified comments. It will give you more ammunition I am sure. I made no money off the film, was not a producer. In retrospect i would do that differently, It cost my family about $50k to help promote it, it was money well spent.,
My wife and i sold a piece of property 2 years ago and so far have put $300k of it into trying to address the issue of human trafficking and the impact of sexual abuse on men. Our work with PTSD has lead us into the area of helping veterans, an area we never plan to go but we are having incredible impact.
Because of my PTSD I am unable to work from home effectively and have sat here watching my assets dwindle. At the urging of one of the forum members @kraadnc I offered my services to someone to help grow they accounts and it was very well received and resulted in our first contract this week. If i can pick up some extra work then I will be able to continue the not for profit work and not bankrupt my family.
Why did i bother to even post this ‘update’ in the community ? Because I was suicidal, my first marriage had been destroyed, my kids estranged and I was a man without a job and felt like shit every day. When the people who created a particulate piece of ‘software’ heard of our non-profit work, they sponsored me for 12 months and ‘held my hand’ as I learnt the ropes and got my feet back under me and I am incredible grateful and could not have done it without their support.
So I hope you are happy now that i have bared my life and my personal struggles to keep my integrity in place (please dont fool yourself that I did this to answer your questions)
and I honestly and politely encourage you to now go and fuck yourself
PS I prefer cigars not a pipe on a daily basis