New (ish) Member Saying Hello!

Hell all, been on the forum for a few weeks now and just discovered the intro sub forum!

I have been an Info security pro for about a decade and always been interested in social media marketing and internet marketing in general. Bringing the interest into the ‘hobby’ space in my life :slight_smile:

hope to give back as i step further into this journey!



Welcome even if you have been here for weeks!


Welcome, enjoy your stay


Hope you’ve been enjoying your say at mpsocial, hola amigo

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Did you bring some champagne? :champagne:


Welcome Korr! We’re glad you’re here! Looking forward to following your posts!

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Welcome to MPSocial!
Bring those IDS skills here haha.

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Welcome @korprit! Glad to have you here!

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Welcome to mp family…

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Welcome to the forlum!

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This forum becomes very interesting with these various profiles! Welcome to you you’ll like it!

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Welcome to mp social

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welcome to mp, now reach level 2 good luck

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Heh that’s going to take awhile. Plenty to learn in the meantime :wink:

Welcome to the fam :slight_smile:

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welcome @korprit , i wish you enjoy the time and got what you need here.

welcome to this forum :partying_face: