New Links To Recover Deactivated Page's 2018?

Is there any new contact links that Instagram will respond to cuz I been trying the old ones and got no where. The Facebook Instagram deactivated links work here & there but the Instagram links don’t unless I’m doing something wrong. Somebody plz help or sum advice would be very helpful. Thanks!

What is the issue that you are trying to resolve? The way that we can all provide you with the best advice is if you give us a little background on what the problem is your trying to solve and how you think you got to the point of experiencing that problem. The more information the better.

With the information you’ve given so far all I can recommend is to keep contacting Instagram and potentially include a sob story of why life is unfair.

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Sorry Luv. Basically what happened was my IG account got deactivate on Jan 11 at 6am this year. Normally this happens to me once a year but I always get it reactivated back. But it seems like now nobodies responding. Cuz even wen I use to file an appeal. I use to get theses

but I notice they don’t send theses out anymore. So I’m tryna figure which links work the best cuz the links I use seem to not work or maybe its because they block my IP address idk!.. the first link responded but send me this and after that. Wen I do the form over again. They don’t respond and the second link don’t respond period. So should i wait till get my new phone since it have a new ip address and try to get my account back or is there a link that I should spam over & over to get my account back with?

PM sent , not posting here because public area :slight_smile:

PM me too please?

The only thing I can say is log into the app and appeal that way. Yes you have to keep appealing be patient and you will get your page back.

I am having the same problem, can anyone pm?

Hi, tell me how to get back my disabled instagram

Hey can you help me out? I got disabled at 9.9k they told me it was because of bullying … when usually me and my friends say aggressive things to eachother in comments as a joke. But I been doing the appeal process idk how many times but i get that same email back about reviewing there guidelines EVERY time PLEASE help me out

hey, can you help me get my page back i tried every appeal for nothing works i need your help

This will help:

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