New method of account promotion in Instagram 2019 Ӏ INSTAMASKER 🤔

You are also right, or it will be with you only for masks, if you will do it all the time: D
So here also plays a big role your profile, how to then engage this observer to be with you not only for masks but for you :slight_smile:

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I’ve found that’s not really the case as the ideal way to roll out an “instamask” (not the actual name) is to roll it out with a campaign in conjunction with an “instamask”.

Here’s an example of what we rolled out (strategy wise)

This music video is only uses an “instamask” for the face manipulation. Want to be in the music video? Use our new filter and we’re gonna toss you in our music video. We not only gained followers, but we gained highly engaged users. We also gained email as we asked them to email their videos (data mining) :wink:


  • Targeted ENGAGED Followers
  • We created a competition to drive traffic to the IG page
  • We created a competition to drive traffic to the youtube video for higher audience retention so our suggested videos % increased within it’s typical 24-48hr average %
  • We collected emails for the NEXT campaign we put out.

Chess not checkers.


Thank you brother <3 For this gift :slight_smile:

Sorry guys, but in real life i’m blond haired, and I have to say that i did not understand WHY this mask thing could be a growth strategy. How come people would like to have a custom mask by following you ?

I read the whole thread, but don’t get it.

I feel like a blond chickelet, my brain doesn’t want to understand this mystery !


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He analyzes this and it is a good patent for children.
But how to catch the attention of adults
Some elegant mask.
If your mask is popular or frequently used then everyone will want to use it.
If he wants to use it, he must take it from you, so he must give you observations.

I’m curious about it myself :slight_smile: Not once so simple methods or those that we did not even know about and gave mega turns, so it’s worth being interested in any topic that increases the range, or analyze it because it can really help :slight_smile:
He is constantly analyzing this topic.

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Like anything, it can ONLY be a Growth Strategy if it produces results. That’s the only metric that ever will matter. RESULTS. In short it gains your followers (forced action for access) and grows your profiles Engagement Rate from use.

So let’s go through this process and maybe illuminate some things for you.

This is simple sort of formula we’re gonna go over and breakdown as to why this is a potential Growth Strategy (granted it’s not easy at all to really gain access / execute). So let’s break it down

a USER has to FOLLOW your account to GAIN access to USE a UNIQUE feature and take ACTION.

So here’s the thought process and how it can be applied for a Growth Strategy. I’ll break it down a bit to the extent in which I’m not divulging all my personal Growth Strategies in using this for current clients lol

Identify your ideal custom avatar. Who is your (USER) and what can we give them to drive an ACTION (or engagement) from your “Instamask” and get them to follow you?

We know the metric here is a FOLLOW. That’s the main benefit from this campaign, but the secondary and even more powerful one is ENGAGEMENT. We are gaining a FOLLOW and an ACTION (engagement) by them using our Instamask

We not only gain a follower, but we gain user engagement. Here’s a fun fact: The impressions that your “instamask” gets from views/ user ALSO count towards your profile views. So it’s a rather tremendous way to skyrocket your ER.

Not only are they going to follow you, try your filter, but they’re going to USE it. Why does this matter? By simply using your “instamask” you get these benefits as well.

  • You gain a higher ER score
  • You normally get a decent amount of @mentions tagged in the IG story
  • You gain Audience Data (this shit is gold)
  • Your username is attached on the top left corner. A CTA to go to your profile and use it (more traffic)

It is a unique piece that is going to cause a FOMO effect IF you properly execute and promote it. Have you guys recently heard of the FACEAPP that went viral all the sudden? This app came out and got semi-big in 2017, but now has a resurface. How / why? I tracked it down, and it had to do with a Mother / Slave account that was doing Celebrity OldFace photos and posting them as content. They targeted younger teens and gave it that FOMO effect. People seen it and wanted to use it.

Another example being: Remember when Kylie Jenner came out with her Snapchat Filter for her makeup line? How many girls suddenly ended up using that filter? Almost every damn women for a solid year lol. FOMO. People want to be in the “know” and be apart of something. Which brings me to my point…

It’s unique if you can present it, market it, distribute it as such. You’ll have to figure this part out yourself, but I’ll give you a small hint towards what I’m currently doing with clients. Instead of paying influencers for posts, why not for an entanglement based piece of unique feature or content?

And here’s the most obvious one… it drives ACTION. Leverage right and it can be authoritative action. People will follow, engage, and promote you IF you can properly set it up where they take every step outlined up above.

If anyone wants to know a bit more I don’t mind explaining or showing examples (like I did up above with the music video campaign) on what I’m doing and some of the results I’m seeing.


You’re a piece of gold brother ! I just understood now aha.

Thanks for your illumination :bowing_man::bowing_man:

- The stupid chickelet :egg::hatching_chick::hatched_chick: -

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You are not stupid ! :slight_smile: Sometimes you need time to understand something :slight_smile: Normal <3

And thank You very much for betraying some of your secret :slight_smile: Really GOOD contribution :slight_smile:
I bow and respect

wow didn’t think about this, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


these masks are all the rage right now, has anyone tried it

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Anyone has built a real strategy with results around this instamask method?


i still dont understand that website… i must be masker challenged

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This method is like when you get one of your post viral and you start gaining organic followers, the only difference is that this Mask strategy require a loyal fans that will 100% use your mask on their stories and invite their friends to use it and so on…


13 chars


Hi Slavko, it depends on the client desires if the mask require less resources then the price should be between $100 - $250 but if the mask require so much work and resources (like the one i posted above) then the price can go up to $1k