šŸ” No content for your social media accounts? No problem!

Send me links to check it out.
I donā€™t take tips manā€¦ Iā€™m working pro bono.


Checked it out, tried, no way :slight_smile: RSS feed generators canā€™t click on YES button :slight_smile:

Have two questions :slightly_smiling_face:

1- Any idea of how to do it with videos too? It does download only images (tried unclicking Ignore items without images but doesnā€™t work)

2- For some reason, when I use https://rss.app/ does download only 8 images, if I use the rss directly from reddit it does download 25 thumbnails.
EDIT: (I tried with the puppies subreddit to be sure that there were enough pictures, still download only 8 using https://rss.app/ )

Jarvee canā€™t get videos from RSS feeds. I mean it canā€™t download them and add them as posts.

The one I tried got me 15ā€¦ anyway, itā€™s rss, if you leave it extracting for a day, new content will show up.

And you can always use multiple feeds for 1 campaign.

Great share! Time to find out some good subreddits :smile:

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I tried using this method with TikTok but failed.

Not sure if iā€™m missing out something or Jarvee didnā€™t implement this functionality yet.

Thanks. Good luck!

You tried using RSS feed from TikTok? :smiley:

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There is Repost tool in Jarveeā€¦ You can use it to repost video directly through it or send it to Campaign.

Why would you need RSS?

Yes Iā€™m using the repost tool now but I was thinking of posting fresh content and not regurgitated one.

Itā€™s cool though :ok_hand:

RSS wonā€™t work for videos, just pics, so, you canā€™t use RSS feed as source of content for TikTok.

Iā€™m awed that Iā€™m seeing this post for the first time. Great share! Iā€™ll have to build an account around this method & see how it goes. Thanks!

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Thanks @Gtamaster , Iā€™m glad you like it. Have you started already? :slight_smile:
it would be great if you create a journey about it and record your progress :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for writing this guide Adnan!

I immediately tried it out with some subreddits. Adding .rss to the link of the subreddit worked. But when Iā€™m trying to create the rss feed through rss.app it always gives me this error: ā€œRSS.app wasnā€™t able to find any posts. Try using our Smart RSS Builderā€

Any idea what could be the issue here?

I also tried to generate feeds from websites with videos/gifs using the rss.app website but that didnā€™t worked as well.

Is the subreddit private or age restricted?

I made a quick test and it works:

As @schoko said:

That might be a problem. You canā€™t get rss feed from thoseā€¦

If itā€™s something else, PM me couple of subreddit links so I can check it too.

Is it safe to autopost in campaigns on instagram? I was having lots of disabled accounts at one point and I swear it was because of the repost tool. I donā€™t get anywhere as many now that I have stopped

Yes. I still use campaigns for my accounts, and theyā€™re not disabled. Did you use scrapers when you run the repost tool? Itā€™s possible that those accounts got disabled because they made too many api calls for scraping posts.

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Yeah always use scrapers. Think my theory was that they post at similar times and overlap each other sometimes. Kind of too scared to test it as things are going well haha

Use the repost tool to scrape posts and send those posts to a campaign. Campaigns work great on my end (M/S)

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Any alternatives to RSS.APP that accepts adult content? They seem to stopped accepting adult subreddits now :frowning: