Only I can see the posts in groups

If you got that in a month I would be suprised

Why would U be surprised?

it is an incredibly high click through rate

Depends a lot on the niche. I got like 1k visitors yesterday with 30 active accounts but they were ghosted soā€¦

50k/day itā€™s a lot. Maybe you can get to 10k if you post good content.

all accounts are disabled and facebook asks me to hold id and show up :slight_smile: which is impossible.

can you tell me your stratgey with spamming facebook with 1 post each account daily?
i wanna try it dude.
because spamming manullay is not working anymore

@derpo Personally i think your problem is probably coming from posting same domain on multiple accountsā€¦ You said you were posting
Like acc1:

I think recently Facebook had a change (maybe 10 days ago) after which whenever you try to post same domain (doesnā€™t matter if the link on the domain is different as long as itā€™s coming from the same domain) and itā€™s not allowing it anymore, and itā€™s either ghosting accounts or blocking domain all togetherā€¦ Donā€™t hold me on this, itā€™s just from my experience recently

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They did that from before, maybe they enforce it even better now. Iā€™ve done a test with 10 aged accounts around 6 months ago. Posted 5 posts in groups with each of them promoting the same domain - different link within the domain and different text to the post so there was no other common point than the domain. Also the domain itself was fairly new, a couple months old.

  • 5 of the accounts got a penalty for posting in groups for 2 weeks,
  • 3 of them i had to PV,
  • 1 was totally lost as they gave me the hard kind of friend verify where you have to actually know the name of the person shown
  • 1 escaped all the mayhem and was ok, i think thatā€™s the one that posted the link first.

So yeah, especially if they domain is a new one, cheap tld, not an authority, youā€™ll have a really hard time promoting it from multiple accountsā€¦

@Johnny I was using prettylink wordpress plugin to create multiple cloaked links from same domain that i posted over multiple accountsā€¦ That worked fine until maybe 10 days agoā€¦ even though i used same domain basicallyā€¦ my links looked like something like this
Btw i was using this approach with clickable links posts so i had also image servers set up on that same domain (had alot of subdomains for image servers like 30 per account, maybe that helped in my case)

but now when i try the same thingā€¦ it will work ok when posted from 1 account but as soon as i add a second account and add link from same domain to it it will get the domain blacklistedā€¦ So i had to find other solutions for posting.

You need to change domains all the time, unless you have a good cloaking solution. That type of cloaking hardly works.

Thereā€™s one other method you can try, which is to get the link shared virally. Use a like4like kinda service and get it out there for maybe a week or so till it reaches 1k likes/shares, then start spamming with your own accs.

There are a few ways to this.

  • website likes
  • website shares
  • spread likes across few inner pages
  • use main domain
  • use subdomain method
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I posted same domain but i never posted a same link from domain twiceā€¦ each link was uniqueā€¦ it worked beforeā€¦ now it doesnā€™t

Interesting idea, thanks for thatā€¦ have you tried that before? or is it just something you think it could work?

ive not tried it because it takes time and funds to achieve it in a reasonable time frame. compared to buying and throwing domains. unless that domain is something you want to keep a long term its a viable method because the concept of age and trust on domains is the same for accs.

age, unique ip sharing, and interaction with actual website may play a role. in reality thats whats happening anyway with a real site.

Guys Iā€™m cloaking, I use fraudbuster for that. Still doesnā€™t change.

Itā€™s strange because 1-2 account are doing fine and posting 40 posts everyday without any ghosting. (posting same domain)

Can you give me your impressions on fraudbuster in few sentancesā€¦ how well did it work for you on facebook etc? Any info or recomendation would be appreciated

If your manually spamming and logging in and out of lots of accounts without killing your cookies and from the same ip address is most probably your issue

Works good, just make sure to not lose a lot of traffic