Is it possible to somehow “pause” sources in Jarvee. I have 5 at the moment and one is outperforming the others with 0.44 follow back ratio. I would like to capitalise on it and deplete it as quickly as possible, but without losing the statistics for the other 4.
I know that I can remove and add them back later at my convenience, but then the total follow back ratio for these sources won’t be visible.
So is it possible for Jarvee to “forget” about them for a while without removing them from follow source index?
Would you be able to send me a screenshot of where this option is exactly or point it out as I can’t find it and I am on my second coffee already so should be able to focus
From my experience, using the “Favour sources with high followback ratio” still uses the other sources but minimally. So I guess the first suggestion of reducing their rank to 0 will be the best way out.