People will buy anything

Oke, wtf is going on with the world hahah, so someone made “jesus shoes” injected with “holy water”.
Selling it for 3K$ and they are sold out. I am scared too see how will the world look like in next 5-10-20 years, in my country they sell donkey shit (I mean literally shit from donkey). They put in in the package and say it will bring you luck, and stupid foreigners are buying it like crazy. So if you think you can’t sell something, think again! People are fucked up.


I remember the people that sold bottled air, fresh mountain air…


theres a tiktok girl start selling her bath water on instagram, she wen out-ofstock in couple hours after she posted her product on her instagram. We’re living in fuked-up generation

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That product is blasphemous beyond conception. The Lord rebuke anyone who wears those…

tiktok thot juices. Damn yo what a world!!!

Yea I saw that, sick sick world haha

LOLLL imagine rocking up to Sunday church with those ones on

I think the best example is the pet rock phenomena which generated literally millions to the guy who ran it (or still runs it, not sure) They literally picked up rocks, painted a face on them and sold them as pets for like $50 :DD

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This is what I was talking about :rofl::rofl:

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hahah yea, never heard about that pet rock, but just google it, this proves there is no bad idea, everything can be selled :joy:

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