Personal Account Disabled

Hello everyone, my personal account has been disabled. I’m not entirely sure why it was, I didn’t post in a while and also haven’t used automation in about 16 months on my personal page.

When I search my page it is no longer failed. I never got a email on this.

Does anyone have any recovery tactics or links?

Thanks in advance.

Start here if you think it was actually disabled and not hacked/hijacked/stolen:

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There are no secret “tricks” - The link @ian posted is the “go to” way and the only official way.
Your chances will highly depend on getting lucky with the Facebook/I agent that takes care of your appeal case.
I have seen accounts getting appealed 73 days in a row, each time getting a negative response only to be reactivated on the 74th. The logic behind that? Non-existent.

Once you stop appealing the account is dead for good.

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Such a strange situation. What message do you get when you try to login using the credentials that should belong to this account? Let us know how did the process go and if you have found a solution. :slight_smile:

try to explain your situation exactly to IG and as schoko said never stop appealing

Yeah, there aren’t any patterns in their behaviour. Sometimes you can end up retrieving an account with maybe a lower trust score than the one with higher. Obviously it depends on the agent that is handling your case.

How do you explain the situation? The form only ask for your info. Do you say something in the email you reply with your picture?

Agents will not read (an not be able to understand) the contents of the email, don’t bother :slight_smile: