Personal Instagram growing

Hey I recently seen alot of people who is advertising themself in Instagram(they pay for ads)
Do you have any tips how to do it in the best way?

I wouldn’t pay for ads. If you know how to do m/s go for that or hire someone for it. F/UF is also an option but I don’t like using it for my bigger accs.


Yea Im not into this, but if the client wants, so why not?(he is paying)
How can you do m/s with personal accounts?

Hello !

You have to be interested in facebook advertising, you have two main choices. You can target people by interest (people who like dogs for example) or make lookalikes (people similar to those who like the page).

Then you have several campaign objectives, I advise you the interaction campaigns, it is to see according to the objectives of your client.

Have a great day !

PS : I agree with @Grummel1 M/S is a lot more worth it

I know a little bit how facebook adverstising works, but the question if it is the same as instagram?
How do I target people who isnt connected thier instagram account to their facebook.
How can I target people to a personal account and not niche account?
And how can I m/s personal accounts? Which people do I target?

You create accounts in their niche and promote the mother account :slight_smile: Same thing for all mother accounts no matter if they are niche or personal accs (personal ones also have a niche).

Well those are personal use accounts so they dont have any niche

Every account has a niche :wink:

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