Phone verification - Code is not sent

Hello guys,

I have a problem with one account,
I got PV, but I send the code for my phone and instagram dont send the code, I try 30 times e nothing.
Anyone know how recover with email? I tried recovering password but not work

Reset password and ask it again

Yeah, I already did it, 3 times, and nothing.

There are 2 solutions :

  • Try to use an other phone number if it’s just a “basic PV”
  • Try to log your account from an other device, and i fail, on a web browser. You should be able to receive to code :ok_hand:
  1. Is not PV basic, why I already have the phone in the account.
    I sent the code but dont received in cellphone.

  2. I already did it, in browser and in other phone. Dont work

They only allow 1 phone number for 2 accounts every 3-7 days. So if you already verified 2 other accounts with the same phone number in the past 7 days, you need to wait a little to be able to receive another sms on that phone number. Or just use another phone number you have around, from a friend or your mama. Cheers!

Yes, it could help if you would try with different phone number, but it would be good that you didn’t use it for this purpose before. Have you tried to check option to phone verify it using the api that you see below the account’s status?

If you used that phone number to verify other accounts then yes that could happen. You can either change it or stop trying for 24-48 hours and then see if it will persist.