[Poll] The Real Reason For Hidden Likes ❓ Zucks (Evil?) Plans

I don’t follow the news in any capacity lol


Being a fan of modern and online news sources myself, it really goes to show how much power facebook&co have.

If it wasn’t for offline conversation I would most likely have missed all the facebook&privacy scandals…

Simple, because they cannot prove their engagement rates, duh…

If anyone of you enjoys Zuckerberg not getting what he wants check this out:

If you watched Zuckerbergs Senate Hearing you’ll find a lot of similarities with this convo.

Zuckerbergs discussion strategy:

  • State two-three things that are generally true facts and go on to talk about general benefits of connecting people.

  • Use extremes to underline a good reason to connect people.

  • Showcase the mass (the people) as a general optimistic medium that knows what it’s doing.

I wonder how long Zucks can go on with this type of arguing style until he gets called out on his bullshit!

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Politicians and rulers have been doing it for as long as there have been people to rule over. So I guess he can keep on doing it for quite some time.

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Politicians have a whole army of liars backing up their consensus and there’s almost no one with greater power.

Zuckerberg is a one man army that has to stand against the people and goverments.

Is he? He controls the biggest information machine in the world. Isn’t that power? Despite all the scandals that would have overthrown any other person he is still standing there…

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Google controls the biggest information machine in my opinion.

I see Zuck as a Gengis Khan level individual (same goes for the other tech giants), his power is beyond the dreams of any clandestine intelligence service in history. It usually lies dormant, making ad money, but any facebook-facilitated Arab spring type movement can leave your country in smoldering ruins within a month. And that’s just one tiny aspect of the big picture, power is wielded in many ways.

He plays innocent for us in public as he has compiled a team of top management as immoral as himself (I may be immoral myself in my own ways, just saying though). It may take a generation for the general public to catch on. That’s always how it goes in History, society moves slowly, after making the same mistake over and over a period again of 50-100 years. Society is now undergoing the most momentous Social and technological change since the discovery of Fire, it’s not just Zuck, so there will be a lot of upheaval.

Most governments are asleep at the wheel, as usual. The ones who took action are demonized as police states, and to be fair they kind of are, but not for locking out FB and google, for other reasons.

Zuck has really done a great job at only appearing in public amongst clueless stooges that make him look good by comparison, so I am excited to watch the video you shared @MyFocus, will see it soon as I drop this as the video is quite long.

I respect Zuck for this competence though, could have gone the way of Myspace, he’s no dummy. I just wish government was able to provide meaningful regulation without strangling the development of this field.

That army of liars needs to be paid for, that’s why so many politicians end up as puppets for interest groups. I believe the power is where the money is, except when dealing with political giants with broad popular support. In the west today, very few politicians have any deep popular support and are beholden to the financier of their army of liars. Interesting convo though guys, this is an important topic.


Facebook is more powerful IMHO. It can unite people in real-time and they can share information and this can lead to arab-spring type of revolutions. You can’t do that with Google , though is powerful too but in a different way.

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True, Zucks has a good way of turning the conversation around!

Have fun watching the video, it got a bit boring for me around ~1 hour in. Maybe you can figure way :smiley:

Never mind this i am stupid