Post comment for DM promoting

Hey, could someone tell me more about what these post comments mean? Some of our photos are getting "DM and a user name @ ". like "Love it DM @IGhandle>. Or, “promote @IGhandle”, “promote it @IGhandle,” and others… I’m guessing users want us to pay them to promote it using DMs? We are a little new to IG, so we’re not exactly sure what that means. Thanks!

It’s mass comment promotion. It’s been around for a long time but it’s getting more popular now on Instagram. Generally users target hashtags and the most recent post since those are the ones that will get more attention from target users.

Thanks Krystal, what do people use it for… what’s the goal? I looked online for more information but didn’t find a lot.

Most of those users who comments with “Love it DM @IGhandle” or “promote @IGhandle” are selling shoutouts, they telling you to DM the mother page in order to buy a shoutout.

Thanks Abdel :heavy_check_mark:

yes, they are trying to get your attention first and your followers attention as well, they usually target high quality accounts and posts, the ones that rank the highest so that they get the best results.

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I never wanted to do Mass Mention because I was always worried with the mention going back to an account with 100k followers. Wouldn’t IG shut down the main account, because of so many mentions?

Hi yes I have seen alot of those comments and I did some search on that they are trying to promote their shout-out service by commenting on people posts , they are SCAMMING alot of people , they are trying to target gamers , musicians mostly but if you check their Instagram accounts history they were Indian babe accounts and they had Indian followers they recently started posting gaming / music content to sell their shout-out service to music / gamers

All their followers are mostly Indians which don’t benefit the buyer and they also purchase views for their posts to show their clients alot of people are viewing their posts

And yes the method they are using to promote their service is m/s , we also do m/s for our hundred of accounts, but we don’t comment