Posting frequency and organic growth

Does anyone have any data on this? I notice that some 400k accounts grow by 1000s a day and post frequently, seemingly without any extra “tactics” (or at least I can’t find any slave accounts).

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More posts = more reach
More reach = more likes/comments
More likes/comments = more follows

The better the content = more reach.


I agree. I guess the issue is that engagement on an individual post might be slightly less. I wonder if the posting frequency thing applies to someone with 12K followers the same as someone with 400K

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Yeah saw that too.
But when i tried Instagram lowered my reach.

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When you tried posting every day?

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3 times a day.
Usually i post 1 time a day.

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Yeah, 3 is a little much. I’m going to try 4 days a week coupling with the manual growth I’ve been doing and report back


For those curious, my growth has increase by posting 5x per week and engagement is the same or better


looks like being consistent posting everyday increases the reach, even when moving to 2 times per day-you have to give it a couple of days until the reach increases for that amount of posts, combined with good engagement groups in the same niche(where members follow each other) it should grow well :wink:

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Yes, But the post has to be relevant and useful.

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i have read elsewhere that posting 5x day helps grow smaller accounts?

If you only have a few followers, people are gong to be annoyed seeing your posts 5x a day. You may be able to get away with 2x a day if your content is truly excellent