[POW'S MEGA LIST] Increase engagement rate + my tips 📈

Really really really interesting…

This is gold :pray:

@pow You seem more like a niche account grower type of guy. Have you tried doing 40% of your actions as Likes on clients and experienced the chaos when they get 24 hour global “Action Blocked” on likes? (Even on the best of proxies)

Not worth it IMO and nobody seems to have a good way to like on client accounts while maintaining sanity.


likes just don’t seem worth doing on client accounts, too much risk for too little reward


Had no issues with 500 follows and 350 likes per day pre-patch. I still don’t but the accounts are aged and have a lot of mobile usage and interaction from the clients side on top of Jarvee.

Following up with this method. Will try it soon!

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Nice one , this is so educating , thanks a lot really appreciate it

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these are some golden Tips Bro thank you so much for sharing all this powerful informations with us :smiley:

Nicely done mate ! Thanks a lot

One of the most useful posts. Thx

@pow Thanks for this share dude! It’s amazing :slight_smile:

I absolutely LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!:pray:t3:

Great post man :grin:

This here is what I have been saying for ages. An increase of followers isn’t necessary the key if they are not engaging. It will just make a profile look fake and stupide.

I think this only applies to accounts that can afford to lose follower numbers right? in my opinion deleting ghost followers for a younger account (less than10k) would be counter productive no?

Do you have a suggestion for automatically scraping these type of hashtags?

How can you find viral hashtags?

Post only VIRAL content. I hear this a lot. Too much, too often. It`s like saying, you need to get more gold to be rich. Every advice, every book on growing your Instagram will say this. Wait, i need to go, i just sumbled upon a viral content. :grinning:

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