[PREMIUM] Advice To Users Who Are Just Starting Out

Hi Guys,. Here’s another thread that I think would be very useful for those who are new on IM.

Can you share one advice to users who are just starting out on IM?

My advice would be that, there’s no Get Rich Quick Method and if someone is telling you there is then I’m pretty sure he is selling something. Your money would be better if you invest it on your website domain or hosting.

In an unrelated topic,. I have 2 dogs (chihuahua) which are really cute. I will have to kill one of them if one of you who are reading this thread will not reply. It’s your choice,. The bastard lives or die. Good day :grin:



not going so well in IM eh ? if u have to kill dogs to survive :smiley:


Before pressing a link check if its affiliate , most common way is to make a sneaky reddirect so if you are on a website
and there is a link to BUY some software it’s going to be GURUofIM.com/buy that instantly redirects you to affiliate website.
I’m not saying that 100% of the affiliates are just pushing you to buy a shitty software , but you sure should think twice .


There will be blood @trueword

Great advice. However, does MP count? :joy:

You’ve saved the dog. For now.

Only thing that worries me about massplanner is that , it’s just exploding right now, what means more spammers = more competition = Social platforms like IG will have to become more strict = more banned accounts . God, i’d love that you had higher prices and not everyone could afford it . :smiling_imp:


WHAT A SELFISH MOFO ! … no but srsly , it was so amazing with facebook back in the days , now it’s just like any other social network… ;/ still trying to get back on facebook after getting my massive ammount of accs banned… but its not about massplanner , i dont remember a day when i was doing it all manually , there was still a software that does it for you… #Sadlife

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Learn the value of data vs information and using data to make an informed decision.

Bonus tip: Get your own data to make your best informed decisions for your goals and plans.

In another unrelated topic: My pug is fat. :pig:



:joy: be careful what you wish for, you never know when you might get it :stuck_out_tongue:

Daaaaaaamn, that he is, you must be feeding him real good :smiley:

As for advice to people just starting out, I’d like to add three of them:

  1. Don’t jump right into the first thing you see, it’s probably just a hype, before you start with anything online take a couple of weeks to see what it’s about, how it works and read anything you can find about the subject.
  2. Don’t expect anyone to spoon feed you, if you want to actually succeed with this you will have to do the leg work, test everything, stay up to date at all times and keep a handle on everything.
  3. Don’t give up. If you’ve done the two above and decided to go with something, unless you’re the luckiest guy/gal around, it will most probably not work from the start. You will hit a lot of problems that you will have to overcome. Don’t give up, keep failing until you succeed.

I know they must sound harsh as everywhere you go online you’ll see " make $XXXX in a week" and stuff like that, but this is simply the reality.


Heh. You’d think the world revolves around MP?

My advice is, don’t be too narrow minded.

Oh and btw, it’s not exploding right now, it has exploded like way back. You only caught the after effects that’s quadrupled right now. And it does so every year.

There is a best software for everything, for quite some time i have been using russian tools for post automation, just before last year. By saying exploding i mean , it has never been as open to public as it is now , all the forums like cpahero, bhw ,cpaelites are just pinning the posts with massplanner and making complete guides, and from im we know when the cool guys are doing it it’s just about to become everydays mans life. :grin: