Problem with join into Account

Guys I have a really strange problem with one of my clients. we created an account from 0, bad luck has wanted that two of these accounts have closed because he had given me a wrong email (invented) one is the account he used before creating the new one. but he can not add more accounts and something appears to him. I’m desperate I’m losing my hair! and I’m cracking chairs. I beg you, if you know what the solution is, help me.

if he clicks on the EDIT ACCOUNTS, screen, he goes out white

You can clone Instagram App and have “2” Instagrams installed, 5+5, look if that works, i never tried it :slight_smile:

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it’s not my case because he has only 1 account active, but for Instagram are 5

If you are using Iphone you must try Pandahelper or some modificated Instagram, it works good.

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Delete the app and all the data.

When you install it again, you should have 0 accounts logged in and you can add whatever you want.


i kinda had the same problem with a client of mine but the strategy u mentioned wasnt workin with him…i made him create the new account on another device and then he logged inn again on his regular phone…probably its a stupid strategy but it was lookin like it was the only one workin for me…

I had this problem after the ig followers disaster of last week…

Hope it can help and wish u all a good day!!

i thinking it’s a no good idea because the connection max for device are 5, if you make 5+5 the connection are 10 but the ip it’s only 1, and probably you can have a block