Promote Youtube Video with hundreds of instagram accounts!

I have an idea in mind with promoting a youtube video with hundreds of instagram accounts ! Can they all just have the youtube link in the bio or would they get banned ? How would you approach that ?

I am doing the same thing,but having same link would get you in trouble.
One ideea would be to put links to different videos,so if you have 30 videos you have 30 different unique links.

So if i have the same video and i upload it 30 times i can put it on 30 different accounts ? but the thing is i want to rank the videos with those views and splitting them across 30 videos vs having them all on 1 video is a bit of a letdown for me. Maybe i can use the version that Adnan posted with posting the videos on google+ and shorten the google+ post with

yes, try that, or see if you can do the same thing with the video, maybe there are different urls that point to the same video…

Post it to Facebook 50x and just grab links of the posts. They should be different each time, but they still lead to same video.


Yes, as @Adnan said, post it to facebook 50x and get the permalink of the post. Make sure that the post is public so that it can be access by anyone.