- 4G LTE / IPv4 / IPv6 High Quality Private proxies. Lots of GEO

How to set up a proxy in the Psiphon Pro app

We present to you another alternative for setting up proxy on Android devices. With Psiphon Pro app you can set up proxy connection by your authorization data or by IP address. In this video, we will tell you how to properly configure proxy in this app.

β†’ You can watch the video here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

Discount on Proxy-Seller! :shopping_cart:

Welcome everyone! There is a 10% discount on Proxy-Seller for all proxy formats on the site - Server proxies (ISP, IPv4, IPv6), Mobile and Residential proxies.

:mega: Promo code: 10DEAL

The promo code is active until 27.02.2024 inclusive, the number of orders that can be placed during this period is also unlimited.

Happy shopping! :shopping:

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:clapper:Proxy settings in MuLogin anti-detect browser

MuLogin browser is a secure web browser designed to prioritize user privacy and data protection. It employs advanced encryption techniques and privacy features to safeguard online activities and information.

The browser has quite a handy functionality for proxy configuration and today we suggest to get to the bottom of how to properly set up a proxy in MuLogin.

β†’ You can watch the video here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:fire: Flash-Discount on Proxy-Seller!

You can get a 15% discount on all types of proxies on the website - Mobile 4G/5G, Static ISP, IPv4, IPv6 and Residential ones.

:mega: Promo code: FLASH15SAVE

Promo code is active for 4 hours from the moment of publication, the number of orders you can place during this period is unlimited.

Hurry up to place an order at profitable rates! :shopping_cart:

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:robot: How to set up a proxy in Dreambot for OSRS

Dreambot is a versatile tool designed for automating gameplay in Old School RuneScape (OSRS). It empowers players to enjoy unhindered access to their favorite games and new releases while maintaining online anonymity.

In this article, we offer comprehensive instructions on configuring a proxy in DreamBot.

β†’ You can read the article here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:world_map: New countries addition on the site!

Greetings to all users of Proxy-Seller service! We are pleased to announce that we continue to expand the list of countries available for purchase. We have added:

:iphone: Shared Mobile proxies:

β€’ Bulgaria :bulgaria:

β€’ Romania :romania:

β€’ Switzerland :switzerland:

:house: ISP static proxies:

β€’ Italy :it:

Please feel free to tell us your wishes for new countries, we consider all requests and take them into account when searching for new countries for our service.

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:iphone: 5G Czech Republic proxies have been added to the site!

Welcome everyone! In addition to our latest update on new countries we have also added:

β€’ 5G Proxies Czech Republic :czech_republic:

Available mobile operator - T-Mobile 5G, available rotation time - 5 minutes automatic rotation as well as by link.

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

Proxy configuration in a Proxy Finder extension

Proxy Finder is a browser extension where you can customize proxy servers. The great advantage of this program is that you can choose between auto and manual modes.

Today we will introduce you to this program and how to configure proxies correctly in Proxy Finder.

β†’ You can watch the video here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

New locations for Mobile Shared proxies

We continue to expand the range of available locations for Mobile Shared Proxies. Today we have added to the site:

:australia: Australia - Optus operator

:kazakhstan: Kazakhstan - Altel operator

The available rotation time is automatic 5 minutes. In case of any questions you can contact our technical support.

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:fire: Flash-Discount on Proxy-Seller!

You can get a 20% discount on the Static ISP, IPv4, IPv6 and Residential proxies on the website.

:mega: Promo code: 20FLASHSAVE

Promo code is active for 4 hours from the moment of publication, the number of orders you can place during this period is unlimited.

Hurry up to place an order at profitable rates! :shopping_cart:

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

Bulk-discount on Proxy-Seller! :shopping:

Greetings to all users of Proxy-Seller service! We are launching a new promo code, It is active for all Static Proxies on the site - ISP, IPv4 and IPv6.

:mega: Promo code: BULKSAVE

You can use it to get the following discount:

Order 25+ proxies and get 10% OFF of the total;

Order 50+ proxies and get 15% OFF of the total amount;

Order 1 00+ proxies and get 20% OFF total amount;

We remind you that regular discounts on proxy packs also apply, and this promo code also gives you the opportunity to get an additional discount on proxy purchases.

The promo code is valid till 20.03.2024 included. :shopping_cart:

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

How to set up a proxy in Scraper API

Scraper API is a powerful tool designed for scraping, i.e., extracting data from websites. It enables users globally to access website data while circumventing any blocks and restrictions. Currently, the service enhances the efficiency and anonymity of your requests, streamlining the process.

This article will provide a detailed explanation on how to set up a proxy in Scraper API, allowing you to use it without any complications or restrictions.

β†’ You can read the article here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

Proxy configuration in a Proxy SwitchyOmega extension

Today we present to your attention another browser extension for using a proxy - SwitchyOmega. This extension is one of the most convenient to use proxies in browsers; this extension is also free, which is quite a significant advantage.

In this video we will talk about how to properly configure a proxy in SwitchyOmega.

β†’ You can watch the video here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

Discount on Proxy-Seller! :shopping_cart:

Welcome everyone! There is a 10% discount on Proxy-Seller for all proxy formats on the site - Server proxies (ISP, IPv4, IPv6), Mobile and Residential proxies.

:mega: Promo code: PROMO10SAVE

The promo code is active until 26.03.2024 inclusive, the number of orders that can be placed during this period is also unlimited.

Happy shopping! :shopping:

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

Proxy settings in Mozilla Firefox :globe_with_meridians:

In this article, we will talk about how to step by step configure proxy settings in Mozilla Firefox. With its help, you can bypass blocking on sites and use the Internet anonymously. We will learn how to use a proxy in the Mozilla browser, as well as delete the previous history of visiting sites so as not to leave traces when solving personal and professional tasks on the network.

β†’ You can read the article here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

How to set up a proxy in Hidemyacc Browser

Hidemyacc is an anti-detect browser built on Chromium that allows you to manage multiple profiles using proxies. This browser provides various tools for flexible customization of your profiles and more online anonymity.

In this video, we will go through how to properly set up a proxy in Hidemyacc browser.

β†’ You can watch the video here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

New 5G proxies are already on the site!

Welcome everyone! We are glad to inform you that new 5G proxies have been added to the site today:

:de: 5G proxies for Germany

Operator Vodafone, available rotation time - 5 minutes automatic rotation as well as by link.

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:fire: Flash-Discount on Proxy-Seller!

You can get a 15% discount on all types of proxies on the website - Mobile 4G/5G, Static ISP, IPv4, IPv6 and Residential ones.

:mega: Promo code: FLSAVE15

Promo code is active for 4 hours from the moment of publication, the number of orders you can place during this period is unlimited.

Hurry up to place an order at profitable rates! :shopping_cart:

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

What is a DNS leak and how to fix it :speech_balloon:

A DNS (Domain Name System) leak occurs when your device sends DNS requests through servers that differ from the ones you configured. This can happen when using a VPN or proxy, where the traffic bypasses the secure tunnel and goes through the regular ISP channel to the DNS servers assigned by the provider or operating system.

Despite our best efforts, we can still encounter a DNS leak that compromises our privacy. Why does this happen, and what are the risks? How can we protect ourselves and maintain anonymity online? Let’s delve into these important questions.

β†’ You can read the article here

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.

:world_map: Big addition of new countries on the site!

Welcome to all users of Proxy-Seller service! Today new countries have been added to the site for several types of proxies at once. Now available for purchase:

:iphone:Mobile proxies:

β€’ Denmark :denmark: - operator Three, rotation 5 min;

β€’ Finland :finland: - operator Telia, rotation 5 min;

β€’ Vietnam :vietnam: - operator Viettel, rotation 5 min;

β€’ Australia :australia: - operator Aldi, rotation by link and 5 min;

:house:ISP static proxies:

β€’ Australia :australia:

β€’ Sweden :sweden:

β€’ Latvia :latvia:

Feel free to write your wishes on new countries, they will be taken into account at the next replenishment of new locations on the site.

Sincerely, Proxy-Seller.