Q. Posting for repost account (non-jarvee)

Do you run repost account without Jarvee? How do you do it?

Some people also tend to build their own automation system where the automation scrapes the posts and posts at specified time. But I am not looking for that either.

Are there people using some other method or any app, or a combination of manual & automation? How do they do it?

Why do you don’t want to use Jarvee? Did you have any particular issues with reposting or?

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I’m personally using only automation for reposting no manual actions, I don’t understand why you would go manually about reposting especially that the number of posts that you can repost per day is small whether you use software or not but with the software the scraping will be much easier.


ive had lots of issues with using jarvee to post on my slaves. I know a few others that have had the same issue. Maybe i’m just unlucky.

I do my manually at the start for slaves the don’t really post. On main accounts I use creator studio

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Do we need proxies while using jarvee for reposting only?