Question for people that are getting Blocked!

-For all of you automating that got action blocks, did you get it while doing actions with API or EB?

  • And for those running automation without blocks, are you using API or EB?

I tested two accounts created around the same time, 1 year ago.
One of them got blocked after one follow using the API, and it now has an API block, cant even log in (rip).
So I fired up the second one but with EB (still automated not manual actions), 16 follows day 1 with no issues. I decided to try follows using API as well so I quickly turned off my Night Mode and tried doing follows the default way, with api. 7 follows with no blocks, turned it off after this to let it rest a bit since its day one.
Both are using residential proxies and both warmed up the same way.

To me this makes little sense. Perhaps trust score is more important than ever right now, the first one has (I think) slightly lower trust score. But still 1 follow action lol.

Would be great to hear your ideas on why this is.

Instagram really playing with us, its fun tho

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I agree with trust score being more important nowadays. Most my blocks came from using the EB funnily enough.


Yeah I feel like EB has the be the easiest way to spot automation for IG?
But it works somehow lol

So youve gotten blocks on both Api and EB?

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I have gotten blocks on both a month ago, been fine ever since I swapped my settings around.

I think that the EB is a bit weird really, who browses all day on instagram using a web browser? Hardly anyone.

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So with these ”new” settings are you running EB or Api?

I still cant believe I got Api blocked after one action… doesnt even let me login now :joy:

Im just using the API at the moment, it can be different for everyone though. Do what works best for you :slight_smile:

I am using HC 4g mobile proxies on EB. I still receive temporary blocks.
API was not working for me at all.


It would be nice if IG let us know the trust score of our accounts!

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I would suggest maybe changing proxies man. Look for an obscure site selling 4G proxies in your area, will most likely be better. Or even better, make your own!

Haha, that would make it too easy for us then :wink:

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Then we would know specifically what types of actions IG did not want us to do!

We already know that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: anything to do with automation lol.

So, you are only using API?
Are you using 4g mobile?

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API and my own 4G mobile signal for some of my secondary accounts. For my main im doing F/U manually. No problems at the moment!

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Thats what I think Ill go for.

How many actions are you doing?

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190 or less follows
190 or less unfollows
no likes

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Yes, it seems that most people that are not having any major problems are using their own 4g mobile.


Hmm 380 a day… oh well Ill see what happens today on Jarv, exciting.

Not very sustainable tho

just got another AC

been working well for weeks over 100+ follows then BAM got AC today
HC4g proxy
api, eb to unfollow.

This is getting retarded, can get anything working…

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I am sorry
I follow less than 190 one day and then the NEXT day I unfollow 190
Sorry for the confusion!