Question: What do I miss? :)

Hello MPsocial fellow members!

I started with a very slow warming (cut in half all the recommendations here on the forum, I wanna do it slow and steady).
Bought some accounts, proxies, vps, all the ingredients for giving OGads and MP a chance.

Some of the accounts banned in the process but worth it, because I learned from them a lot.

Most of my proxies host 2 accounts, and some just 1. Slow, safe and steady, right? :slight_smile:

All of the accounts are verified both mail and phone my myself.

I started a week ago to put links in bio, I tried Wix, but moved on with Weebly, 'cause the free version of Weebly doesn’t put a “make your own free website” banner right on top of your header. (TIP for newbs like me).

Now the question:
I tried 3 niches (free iPhone, make-up, and followers, I know that are over populated, but should be some bread crumbs for me too) with pre-landers that have a button on them that redirects to landers provided by OGads.
I got a number from 400 to 700 followers per account (got from the specific niche), with 9 accounts fully updated and warmed, and links in bio, but no clicks on ma links?

It seems odd for me that not even a click was thrown on the links in bio, I am not asking for conversion and so on, just clicks so I can record a behavior and learn from it to scale my little baby.

I might miss something, one detail, but I can’t find it.

What do I miss?

Thanks in advance,
Good earnings!

Have you tried clicking on your link in bio? Do links work at all? Check it out. Try logging in from different profile and check link on one of those profiles.

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Tested them from my personal phone, and emulators.

All seems good.

That is exactly why the big 0 seems odd to me.

Click your own link, click on your locker. That will count as an impression. If there is no impression, you messed up your locker.


Have you got a good profile pic that looks real or looks like a proper brand? Do the account name and username seem attractive to someone that might want what you are offering? Is the bio either a realistic looking testimony or a professional looking offer? Is there a time or money incentive i.e. while stocks last (the ultimate bullshit marketing text), 3 days only? Does the landing page look alluring with an obvious big bright click now to satisfy your wildest dreams button? Is there also a time incentive on this page? Does the content locker look the same style as the page it’s covering or hiding? Is the offer really REAL looking? Are there any instructions on how to complete? Are there testimonials that people have competed and got what they wanted? Do you message people are after adding you prompting them to click the link? On the content you post is there a call to action? Does your account look authentic in terms of lots of followers but very few people you follow (if someone adds you and they follow 6000 other people but only follow 20 does it look real?) Do you have google analytics set up or a mouse tracker on the site? Are you getting clicks through on the weebly page traffic?

You’re doing good that it’s all set up, now refine things step by step :slight_smile:

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@insomnijak My own clicks count.

@instagramfamousfam In my opinion they seem appealing. Not so many posts, but that is no excuse for not a single click. The text on the pre-landing looks legit, and no to flashy but not to dull either (in any case I should be able to see a click there as I watch them thru a account). The landers chosen by me seem very promising and far from a scam.

I will take it over step by step to see if I am missing something out.

Thank you for your answers guys :slight_smile:

Cool. If I were you I’d look on instagram, facebook and google for similar niches sites that are doing the same thing, see what they look like and compare :slight_smile:

March 1 to March 7: No links in bio, just captions.
March 7 to end: Links in bio + captions.
P.S - This is unique visitors, not page views.

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Couple months ago I have tryed with iphone niche and I got the same results. People were following back but no one wanna click on the freakin link. I found that very funny becouse why the fuck would you follow and not be just a little curious to see what is behind the link. I have even got some followers without doing any action and still nothing. I mean withut even following someone I was followed and still nothing. I don’t really know if people are fed up with this shit free iphone but can’t really get in head of those who follow and then do nothing.