Question? Who can recover disabled ig account

Do anyone know how to recover a disabled Instagram account? I’m willing to pay to have my page reactivated. I have a 1.6M page that has been disabled for almost a month now and I have tried everything. I used vpn and ip apps and I’ve even used a different email address, I still get the same replies


How long have you been trying to get it back ?

Since May 7th

if someone is keen to do it for you (for a fee), you could try his service.

otherwise, it’s better that you keep trying to do so by yourself

here are some related articles that might be useful to u


I wouldn’t mind paying a fee at this moment

Also it’s saying I don’t have access to that topic

I think, but I’m not sure, @HenryCooper could help you with this, right Henry?


mate, I’m sorry to hear about this.
What have you been doing wrong?

What kind of replies are you getting?

Sometimes it can take 7+ tries to get accounts unbanned. That’s the reason why most of the spammers don’t bother to unban accounts because its not worth the time investment since every accounts costs “only” 1$.


I disagree, @HenryCooper. I invest 3 of my most trusted VAs to handle “only” recoveries for all my banned accounts since time immemorial. But this probably doesn’t apply to everybody. :confused:


nothing I think people were reporting my page because I wouldn’t post them

The VA’s could create more money in A LOT of other tasks, but it’s your employees :smiley:

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I’m appearing and ig will write back that I was disabled for not following their terms. I’ve gotten emails to send a pic with code and etc but I still get the same reply I was disabled for not following their terms

Yeah just try over and over and over and over. One day you will hit a newbie employee.


I definitely don’t believe in giving up, especially when you have worked so he’d to build!


Thank you! And I hope so!! Thank you for the advice I really appreciate it

Can I use this link to recover the account?

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yes (13 characters)


I’m trying to use that but my country won’t stick it keep saying "this field cannot be empty "