Ranking to show up a news feed for hashtag followers, but not ranking in top 9 posts

Hey everyone,

Not sure if deeper in the forums this is being talked about, but I haven’t seen anything about it. So today I made a post and did some powerlikes/engagement groups and ended up being ranked to show up on the news feed for a specific hashtag. However, I was not ranking in the top 9 posts of this specific hashtag, which is very interesting to me. Essentially what that tells me is that the algorithm to rank in top 9 posts and the algorithm to show up on the hashtag follower’s news feed is different and maybe not correlated at all? Or at the very least Instagram allows more posts than just the top 9 to show up on the news feed of those following that hashtag. Not sure if anyone else has had experience with this, but thought I would share!



The top 9 view is different depending on who is viewing it. What would make you think these things were correlated?


Those two things are completely different from one another


What are the influences that cause a post to show up on someones news feed when they are following a specific hashtag. The intuitive thing to me would be that they would be the Top 9 posts, but I guess there is no correlation. So are the posts that show up for people following a hashtag just the highest preforming overall posts in that hashtag? If so, that seems like a powerful tool to be aware of because maybe that means one should be shooting for bigger hashtags in that case.


I’d be interested in knowing what the algorithm for each of these favors as well. Would be nice if we had someone on the inside lol.