Reach/Engagement Drastically Down Again?

Anyone else notice a drastic dip in reach/engagement again?

Previously my videos got at least 50% reach, now they’re barely 8-10% :frowning:

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I have with my personal account, it’s been horrendous this week.


last time this occurred it was often attributed to spring break, is there a similar correlation this week?

I’m seeing some drop too. Could it have something to do with the fact that the academic year is finishing and a lot of students are in finals?

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Have you maybe switched to “Creator account” ?
Rumors says it KILLS the engagement rate…


my overall ER for my accounts is up about .25% with follows way up about 100%.
The ‘creator accounts’ I swapped over to did not see any decrease.


Not rumors for me. It did kill it.


May god be with you.

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I switched back to business. Hope it helps


normally i let them rest for 3 days and everything goes back to normal

One thing I noticed is when I stopped posting stories on my accounts the unfollow rate dropped. It goes against wisdom but for the feed right now it’s working. Another thing I noticed are comments are slower to come yet they reach normal or greater the next day . same with everything else


@Alexnvo Thanks for your feedback :pray:

same here i got my engagement destroyed after i switched to creators account.

what is creators account ?

better if you dont know :joy::joy::joy::joy:


well i would like to know if it is possible

its a new kind of account like business. you can switch it on settings

yea i just learned it thnx .
but there is no option to switch it on my account

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settings – > Account --> Get More Tools.
if Get more Tools is not displayed, you cannot right now.

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i still get about 20% engagement rates on my 30k accounts.
all i do is just archive non-performing post and my engagement goes back up and so does my reach