πŸ“— Recommend A Book πŸ“—

Once I their is a few more replies I will edit the thread with the most recommended. I will also be purchasing/downloading some soon. For some reason I like the physical book more than an ebook does anyone feel the same?


The Definitive Book of Body Language

Learn how to mind read via body language. People lie, body language reveals the truth.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Understand why people say β€œyes” and how to get them to β€œyes”.

Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping

Understand the psychology of why people buy and how to remove the hurdles of buying for them.


This pretty much sums up half the forum doesn’t it?


:joy: I feel like people think that just because there is a lot of nice members on this forum. (UnLike other forums) that many feel like they can get away asking questions without using the search functions. Soon to find out they are wrong. It’s a bad habit what I have now lost ( /Losing 90% Recovered :slight_smile: )

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Finally someone got my joke, lol


The Little Prince - by Antoine de Saint-ExupΓ©ry
(Fiction, short read)

This one taught me about being YOU vs being an β€œadult”…

Nice short read about a kid who visits planets and meets strange adults who are SO in their own little worlds…

It evokes a lot questions about adulthood… and who you become as a person.

I read this every year to keep myself grounded… 10/10


Funny that no one mentioned Ca$hvertising :astonished:


Not really a book reader to be honest (kinda sad) but I did however read the entire Cherub Series. Fucking badass books. (little younger audience since its about kids/teens but its wicked trust.)

Although some may think this is a joke, I am dead serious. Its a great book of all the questions you would ask a doctor after your third martini.


I liked the methodology in this book.


Great book filled with marketing examples and experiences.

The one I cant get out of my mind is how he fabricates a story and pays a blogger to include the story on their site. Within a few hours, a bunch of major news reporting sites start run the same story showing how the media craves for any story without checking the facts and trusting their β€œsources” to provide accurate and real information.


Great book! Ryan’s a solid dude and great leader. I was in his Next Level Mastermind group. Very high level people in there and golden nuggets everywhere…


Yes. Wish I could have joined the training, I have the book tho. I was in the prelaunch FB group and I could not believe my eyes when I saw hundreds of people β€˜β€™β€˜scramble’’ to pay him just over 2K to join his course. I have never seen a product launch like that before.

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I couldn’t choose one so here is a list of some great books I just finished.

And of course β€œrich dad poor dad” is also a most read!!


Is the book named β€œPower” you mentioned is actually the book named β€œthe 48 laws of power”?


Yeah it is indeed

Thanks. Definitely gonna read it!

Genesis - Bernard Beckett

Short book (150 pages) and will really blow your mind out. Its a sci fi novel, distopic future, and mainly focuses in the power of ideas, their propagation and how the ideas propagate can change the world

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Something that I read some time ago and I enjoyed very much:

the first 15 lives of harry august by claire north - it’s sci fi, probably no help to you for your online endeavors but highly entertaining :smiley:

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It’s a reading selection for my son; for all his questions abt the world. A good friend told me I’d like it, so I’d start with it this week :wink:

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