Repost account and copyright infringement threat/risk

My question is about reposts pages that post photos and video created by someone else. Many people even use automation to repost content. How do they minimise the risk of getting a threat of account taken down if they don’t buy the license of the copyrighted material they posted. Or may be the risk of copyright strike that might hamper their account health score.

As a start in each reposting make sure to give credits and mention the owner in each post, this could prevent you from getting into troubles, and avoid reposting videos that has copyrighted music in them.

But if I am someone who has put a lot creating that photo, getting it copyrighthed, why would I let the reposter let repost it (in spite of credit to me) if I can ask for licensing money from him?
He better buy the license (even if he deletes the image) or else I can take his account down. Can’t I?

also, it is a pain in the ass to tag.
Last time I checked, there is a repost app in android play store that does this automatic job for you but you will have to post individual posts.

As a reposter myself on one of my big accounts, i can say, you must play it safe and always give credits in each post you steal from someone and @mention them in the description and they will not blackmail you, and avoid re posting copyrighted music/clips from movies made by big label or production company because those are the ones who mostly will copyright you.

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Would you mind to share how do you minimise your efforts of reposting, if you mention everybody?

What’s hard about mentioning the owner on every post i don’t get it ? you can even do it automatically with jarvee or other bots, auto repost and mention the owner or if you post once a day , don’t you write a description and hashtags to your posts ? it takes like 10 second to mention someone manually, good luck :))

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  1. Sometimes it’s the content from another repost account.

  2. I don’t plan to write captions at all. I am planning to keep sets of captions & hashtags that would be repeated every x number of posts.

  3. I don’t have resources to use Jarvee. I am planning to use Planoly.

  4. I am planning to use a chrome extension to download individual photos with a single click. Would be uploading them in bulk to planoly and order them randomly on the grid. It would be very difficult to keep track of who posted what.