Restore Engagement and Instagram loss of followers

Hello everyone, I would like you to find a solution, I manage a 168k Fashion man account (verified), this account has been grown with follow/unfollow up to 50k and then with Mass view, the posts are of quality although obviously being an individual account there is no content that can go viral… In 2020 there were only 7 posts, with few stories in the year. This has led to a drastic drop in engagement in terms of Likes / Comments. Also, at the moment the account is not applying any kind of strategy. inside the account has no fake followers, but due to the function you stop following those who do not interact with your posts and even inactivity, the account loses on average 80 people a day, earning 30, loses many more when he also posts 200. The account from an Insight point of view is cleaning up, the average of “cheap” countries is lowering in favor of the country with the highest Audience of the account. What do you recommend to recover engagement and above all decrease the loss of daily followers (for a week the account has been returning to post regularly 3 times a week) and many stories.

I’m thinking…

A) Launch Ads on the photos and show the post to people who have interacted with the account in the last year

B) Use an old system, Mass Like, even if I don’t know how much is the limit on likes for a verified account, and go like the followers of the account to recover engagement and interactions. Maybe setting all those in the last 90 days.

C) Launch a Mass-Dm campaign with slave accounts to bring new traffic to the account

What do you recommend? Do you have any suggestions? Any help is welcome

Thank you

I would definitely set it up like so :

  • Like daily your audience (existing followers [filtered] +/- new followers)

  • Process with a new growth strategy, as apparently you don’t have any and bleeding

1 Like
  1. Is a Good change But i want to know, which is the limit for blue badge account? I mean how many likes For day?