Revolut - How to reduce transactions cost when buying

Hey guys!
Have been around for a while and this community gave me lots of knowledge, it’s time to give back my first little advice.
Most of you probably already know about this, but I randomly found out only last summer and i wish i found them earlier.

EDIT: i wrote way to much, pardon :joy:

Revolut is a “mobile” banking made mainly for travelers for which offers exchange rates between currency at very very low rates while our banks credit card ( or damm paypal) usually charge a considerably amount of money.

Why is it useful to us? well, other than being useful to all the digital nomads, its very handy even for us who just stay on our home chair. Most of us do business with people from over the world, and change rates can EASILY take some % points of your spendings, plus there are often occasion where you can pay with different currency ( I developer i work with, who develop module for our platform, was asking us 50us dollar or 150 BRL ( which are brazilian real), quick google search you see that 150 brl are like 40 dollar. Paypal to pay in BRL was gong to change my EUR to GBP and then to BRL, so al the saves almost burned to paypal profit.

You can stock those exchange rates. Last summer some of you may remember that the turkish lira had some problem and lost lot’s of his value, well, at that time i was having business with turkish supplirer, i the days the lira fell i bought some of it to look in that juicy change that last for some days and spent that money in a couple of months getting my profit higher out of nothing.

Last thing is that you can create different virtual credit card, which i often use for trial subscription ( and sometimes abuse those since you can create, use, delete and create others) i have a specific card for subscription which i loocked the maximun spending at 0.50€, so if i forget to disable a subscription before the automatic renewal it just fails to pay. If i really want to renew i raise the limit, pay and set back the limit to 0.50€. This one saved me quite some money too! I hate those trials where you can’t deactivate the renewal before the trials natural ending.

Those virtual credit cards are extremely useful on sketchy website ( and we use a lot of those)where we have no guarantee what they are gonna do with our cc info and if they are safe, just create a new one, pay with it and just delete them.

This will save some money at the end of the year at no cost.

The app is FREE, and the process to signup is very fast, there is a premium plan but there is absolutely no need to do it, unless you really gonna use some of the features, or you wanna
do the fancy guy with the metal cc like me :joy:

I’m not sure this is available in all the world, i hope it’s for most of you guys, if it’s not and you are aware of similar app just list them in the replies!

Hope will be usefull to someone. Hope it doesn’t looks like and ad, it’s not, they don’t really need ad :sweat_smile:


@wortime hope is not against any rule, pls check :kissing_heart:

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Just no referral links.


I use and I saved a lot of money :+1::+1::+1:

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