Safe to use Jarvee again?

After accounts I got account compromised message from IG I stopped using Jarvee as it did not seem safe. Does anyone know if they have fixed the browsing issue and it’s safe to turn follow/unfollow on again?

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you have to wait 2 more weeks they said a big update is coming that will resolve all the problems. Lets pray man


The two weeks are over or maybe 3 weeks since Jarvee developers said this, and they already made 2 minor updates, you think the “big” update they were talking about is coming soon?

yes its safe to use

also double yes on you not being lazy and reading through the forum and testing yourself

say goodbye to the good old times when you could do 700 likes and follows a day and it would work without you checking once in a month.

I had around 10 AC messages in 10 different accounts in the past month, just did what they asked, changed the password and continued with the automation. You can rest them for couple of days and reset the device IDs before continuing again for more safety measures.