Scammers all over this place and all mods are afk

Maybe someone have bad experience with Paypal, but it saved me from this guy. First he asked me to cancel dispute that he will deliver the service and I did then he tricked me again and I had to open second dispute which is against Paypal terms but I explained them all and they still returned my money. I put big trust in this payment processor… In my opinion I rather trust them and buyer protection than reviews or anything else that can be faked


You only win a dispute if the seller does not know what he is doing. There are so many loopholes in the whole Paypal system and everyone who does regular business via Paypal knows them, especially because most of the things are just done automatic. If you do not have contracts with your customers or clients, selling via Paypal will end up in a total crash for your business sooner or later and they will keep all your money if you do not drag them to court.

I hope this will never happen to you, but please be cautious with Paypal and avoid them wherever you can. Your credit card has a good protection already (depending on your country and bank).


this is completely unacceptable that we is still on this forum plus he is a regular member and still sells. how many people need to be scammed to ban him. Thank you for creating this thread hopefully @Adnan will do something about it this time.

He blocked me and deleted all messages on telegram but this time I was smart enough to take screenshots if everything before he managed to do it. I will send you the screenshots as soon as I have a chance.

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A good step would be to ban scammers when 10+ people reported you that they have been stolen money (and a lot of money) and double check if the products seller is offering are legit.

You can’t blame people buying from a guy you approved a thread on your forum.

Still, he is able to read this post, laughing and continue to scam people at this exact moment while there was a thread with multiple evidences few weeks ago, 0 mod took something into consideration. Now, you have even more people angry because they continued to buy from him. Hopefully he only scammed me $100.

What are the admins waiting for? It’s been 3 weeks minimum since a thread was created about him.


Mods don’t care:)

Which is exactly why lvls shouldnt be offered by buying a license and marketplace shouldnt be offered by people with no account reputation whatsoever. This isnt the first seller to be ‘called out’ as far as i’ve read. Each bad review or complaint should get resolved right away or done with selling. The marketplace price is considerably low compared with what others have or are losing due to slow or no issue resolving.

What happened to grinding to be able to sell on the marketplace and earning lvls (and access to alternative software)?

On another note, banning him right away will result in nothing more than a loss of ‘official’ communication so i understand why he’s not getting banned on the spot in hopes of getting at least some stuff resolved.

Also i’m sorry for you guy’s losses. Let’s improve the market with some ideas or revert it back to the old thing


I recommend to add these scammers on ScamGrade

Banning or shitlisting wont help much tbh. Seems easy to create a new account, new name, new btc address or what not, ‘buy’ your lvls as a regular and start selling acting as an authoroty :man_shrugging:t2: no disrespect meant towards the mods at all. But looks like there is still too much room for things like this


I think that’s where you mixing things up. This is not my forum and I do not approve any sales threads. I agree with a few things you said though, which is why I am trying to speed things up on this matter.

Me and other community members are regular checking sellers in our free time and pick out the bad ones where we see that the story does not add up, even before they are able to do any damage.

But we cannot catch all of them as community members, sadly.

The marketplace needs some changes into direction “quality”, that is for sure.

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Thanks for your answer.

I know mods don’t accept sales thread. When I said “you”, I was talking about the entire MP team, not you specifically.

Thank you for your answers in this own thread, it’s good that you are the one answering on this thread and trying to keep the quality of this forum. It’s been 2 weeks admins have not done anything but just deleting a thread and no communication about it, that’s why we are all frustrated about it when we hear more people are getting scammed.

I’m personaly more concerned by keeping the good quality on this forum rather than having my money back, I don’t care about money.


Adnan may have irl issues or something since he is not responding. I refuse to believe he’s ignorant at least that was never the case back when I used to be an active member.

But still there are couple more people that should do it and still they won’t. I dont think it’s even Henrys job to do this but if he can he might as well just ban him for the community’s sake.

At least Henry seems to care despite other modes. Henry also used to organise MP talks over skype back in the good old days…so my faith is in @HenryCooper atm that he will spray this cockroach who somehow manages to scam people further even if this thread is on top of MPsocial :exploding_head:



I was also scammed by @Karthik_A for over $1500. I knew him for several months, he was my scraper supplier before. That’s why I purchased two trainings from him. At first he answered questions and was helpful, but after the payment he stopped replying. The second training was not delivered. No training, no refund, nothing.

I have no further contact with him, but I have all his details (full name, adress, bank details, transferwise details). Let me know if they will be useful.

Please check your PM.

Damn. @Karthik_A is trying to escape MPsocial jail, but with all that money he might go away in his private spaceship to live on another planet :ringer_planet:

Get him while he’s still on earth !

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Sad thing is that he always acted like nice guy :pensive:

Send it over please

Ok so looks like this guy was already searched for by all Indian police, and arrested previously.

Very nice.

Also, he has been buying press:

“an IIM grad turned Celebrity Landscape Photographer”… funny how you turn from renown conman in 2018 to “celebrity photographer” in 2020.

Here is his IG Handle (which I encourage all of you to flag to death):

Love his stories on luxurious hotels. Paid for by the sorry ass souls scammed by this wanker.

And there are some accounts created by this guy’s victims exposing the guy:

MODS, what on earth is going on here and why is this guy not banned on the spot?


Here’s his YT Channel btw.

that is him 100% I can recognize his voice perfectly from the audios I heard. Damn…

As a bonus, check out one of his “questions”…

Honestly, the guy must be living in a parallel reality. Too bad so many people were hurt in his delusion.


Nice rules lmao

While we are not responsible for your losses, we will do our best to prevent, respond, and mediate applicable situations.

@parliament Loved your life scraping.

I think that disabling his 100k fake account is a more appropriate punishment than a “forum ban”.
I can report him with 2500 accounts, if i have to :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette:

Who’s up for it ? Let’s fry the chicken in the kitchen :rooster: :fire: :poultry_leg:


Disable? How?