Sending links through Instagram DM

you can start with story viewing, and comment liking for a few days than you can do some follows and likes (nothing crazy just a few) after that you should be able to send few messages, basically the main Idea is to go very slowly and work your way up.

as for the block, i think mentioning a profile that has a link in the bio is better than sending the link directly.

if you are using the API you should switch to the EB and vice versa, if the blocks continue you should stop the DM’s for a few days and see how it goes.

Are you using 1 proxy per slave account?

What do you mean by 70% spinned DM text? is it the same as using spintax?

I’m using 5 accounts on 1 proxy.
Yes it’s same as spintax so my text is 70% unique.

DMs… sorta like everything else on IG, has changed alot. If sending DMs in bulk, everyday is your goal, it’s not going to be easy. You’ll get a couple days, but like most actions on IG nowadays… if you do it everyday, in large quantities, you’re going to run into problems. Try not sending them with the same pattern daily, and scheduling on and off days.

I’m now warming up and send 5 dms per day/account for now it’s working. Also I have 2 work off days which are rotating.
Check the screenshot below for my settings.!

I know it’s working fine right now, but based off of my experience it takes 72 hrs to see if your settings are working “fine”. These accounts may go down soon without the necessary warmup…

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I agree. It does take more than 24-48 hours to see if settings are good, and even if they are good on the 3rd day, it’s not guaranteed to be good on the 4th.

Settings are something that have to be constantly adjusted, as the algorithm is changing daily.

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If it gets blocked, try to enable the contextual actions in Send Messages tab. It may help.