Shopify questions from a ecom noob

Some noob Shopify questions from me, hope there are some experts around:)

I want 1 shopify store, 1 backend. But stores in countrys, all in own language and currency.

I want it like this: (usa currency and language) (NL currency and language) (French currency and language) (German currency and language)

Possible? I thought yes, but it seems that i cant find the options, or its not possible:)

I know that there are themes directly adapted for multilingual (I no longer have the names in my head). And then you have a lot of apps that do that like Langify App!

You want to open a dropshipping store ? :smirk:

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But is that just a translation app? With these kind of apps, i can also change currency and for example shipping prices per location? So really 1 backend for 4 front ends in 4 languages?

No:) Our own products!


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  • Automatic language detection (customers will be redirected to their preferred language automatically)
  • Customizable language switcher (customers can choose their preferred language manually)
  • Multiple domains per language (translated storefronts can be hosted on specific domains)

Chech their page bro :innocent: :

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Btw, good luck for your journey :wink:

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For currency conversion, you can check out ‘‘Best Currency Convertor’’ in shopify app store - it can change the currency of the website depending on the location of the visitor.

For shipping settings, those can all be modified in shopify shipping settings ( shipping rates based on country )

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hmm, i did:)

Check the topictitle, i am a noob;)


Ahaha I don’t judge :wink:

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