Shoutout new -- part 2 —slave hatched and ready

the account hit 17.1k first 30 days – i changed up my posting ways for new accounts to hold ER up. i’m very happy with it gaining 350 per day

oppsssss gg 12 chars … wrong pic

if anyone cares – update on my new slave 2 months and 3 days old

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Elaborate how you gain 300 Follows a day. :sweat_smile:

i post viral in feed and my stories are all user submitted. Thats all that is needed.

Final update on this thread

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can’t see the image. Did you remove it ?

the first part yes. Some felt I was ‘showing off’. That stung, so I took it off.
Many here have mutiple accounts. Use them to grow your own slaves, when they get big – use that to grow other accounts in your network and rinse and repeat. This is the final stage for this account. It will now shout others I want to grow.

Few questions -

  1. So right now you aren’t using hashtags at all ?
  2. here is what i got from your old post - I post 2 times a day, morning is a regular post and evening is a shoutout post with a tag of the account targeted and a simple caption.
    follow @accountname ?


are you doing it like this -

  1. you mentioned using a cloner recently on android. Can you name it ? have you ran into any problems using that cloner ?

for the first one –

  1. No hashtags
    2 yes. doing that still.
    haven’t changed but my mains are using some hashtags –

the - or- part
Still shoutout the same way. It’s proven and works.
Some cannot see it since it’s level 2.

– simple shout on the post with a account tag
follow @xxxxxacount