So... how are you all doing today?

TBH as humans we are holding up ourselves pretty well. Their are billions of ppl out there… we could have way more terrorist attacks / suicides ect. if shit was out of hand.



There allways been shitty times its just you. Youre growing as a person and it opens your eyes to see how fckd up world is , but it allways was like that. Its just burst of shit that makes you wonder what is life. I get these thoughts pretty often durning every year

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For me it is quiet the opposite , the older I got , the more realistic I started to see how everything works in our world . Most of the times things only look fucked up if you do not understand why they happen . Economical basics and following the money will always explain the things that happen around you .

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Well the whole capitalistic world is fucked up imho ;D … as an example take the hookers we all know they do it for money some of these are just lazy some of them just cant seem to find any other option , but isint it fckd up though ? Or that Steven whatever the lastname is who shot dosens of people in us , as far as i heard he had shit ton of guns and 80k that he transfered to some bitch so why did he got psychotic and decided to do it ? He clearly wasnt poor , its just this modern sociaity , ppl are fckd up nowadays , i doubt you will have the time but if u do find spare time watch this podcast with Tai Lopez , they talk about tests on how fckd up ppl are in cities. They cover broad topics but theyre all pretty intresting


You remember what kind of things happened in the past ? Today looks really peaceful to me compared to the last couple of decades . Overall bad conditions shifted to be only in specific parts of the world . As an example , if you want to use a smartphone you need to accept the fact that people need to work under really bad conditions . And I see everyone with a smartphone , including me . You need to accept that little children need to work in specific mineral mines for gathering some special mineral needed for smartphones . Saying that the world is fucked up is really easy if you do not accept , that you - me and all others - are a part of that play .


Yes, you are right, we are part of it. But maybe we can also make a change… I am not a “holy person” and dont wanna pretend to be one, but I dont have the intention to gather a lot of money for myself. If we make enough money to have for ourselves a good life (and not much is needed for that°), we have actually also the chance to make a difference to the world. Maybe not for the entire world, but even if support a small project that helps 5 or 50 or 100 people / animals / plants, this is a difference and it is worth to do it.
Just my 2 cents. :slight_smile:



If people are not willing to sacrifice in their consuming behavior - I am not willing to - why would helping a dozen people would change anything ? The way you consume things makes more damage - both to humans , animals and the environment - then a good project . On your way to a “good” life and money , you make so much damage as a human being , that it is not revertible anymore . Where do you draw the line of being a hypocrite ? Just as a small example , how much damage are you willing to do , to humanity and nature , for the luxury of owning a car or taking a ride in a taxi ?


You are right: we all know that we are harming others - even by buying “cheap clothes” we are promoting exploitation of poor people in developing countries. If you were a leader of billions of people&you could speak to them, would you try to change our behaviour, to be more aware of others or would you say we cant do really a difference?
What do you think would be a proper way of living?

Your opinion was AND is always highly appreciated, @HenryCooper. Would be interesting to hear more about your view of life. :bouquet:


I ride a bike as often as I can, to offset for when I need to drive. I also take Public Transportation when available. I don’t buy a lot of consumer goods, I recycle as much as I can. I do all of this including buying used phones etc so that I can buy as much beer guilt free as I want. Heck, even most of my beer is pro environment.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/2/1/21f96a5740fa6eacbfa6b63bb6e2b1e61d0520ae.png" width="303"height=“311”>

There is no way my efforts as a human being and having a normal day to day life am I going to make enough of an impact on the world, and whatever I do to offset what people do, my neighbor will undo by being a consumer (are you my neighbor @HenryCooper?).

Still, even if it’s just a feel good measure, or maybe I save a few trees etc, then I sleep better at night. I will never be the blind and armless friends that plant 10’s of thousands of trees, but I feel better about myself for “doing my part”.


Well damn. Yes you do have a good point and i do agree with it but though there’s things that people don’t do for luxury or even making their life better … that’s what makes me sad to look at.


That is really noble . I really appreciate it . :heart:


anything to allow you buy a new phone or two. I’m here for you


I am doing excellent. Can’t complain! Every day is a blessing :slight_smile:

please report :slight_smile: , how are YOU today?

:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_minus_sign:

Just a short note about “happiness”.

Recently a nurse has written a book :books: (Bronnie Ware) who worked in a hospital :hospital: (hospice station). So she accompanied people during their last days. And she said, it didnt matter how rich a person was, some were poor, some were really, really rich. But when facing death, they didnt count the number of money, cars :blue_car: , men/ women :girl: or whatever they had. They didnt regret they had too less of any goods. Most (!) of them regreted mainly:
- spending too less time with their family (parents, wife/husband/partner, kids) and
- spending too less time with their friends
while spending too much time for advancing in their career ( mainly to make more money).
So they didnt miss goods, but “immaterial” things like having a good time / a good talk with their relatives.

Maybe this is an inspiration for one or the other…