So how do I make money from instagram?

Create an ebook.

Hereā€™s a simple and easy to do method:


Thats way to complicated. Maybe try your middle finger ?

I literally almost pissed my pants when I read that :joy:


When selling your accounts (such as your $400 example), how do you ensure you donā€™t get scammed and lose your account?

Bitcoins or Paypal as Friends&Family.

But Paypal is a bad payment processor for digital goods, if you call their support they will even tell you that :slight_smile:

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Sold it via paypal and as of now i donā€™t have any problem but you must research the background of your buyer to ensure if that person is using real identity etc. I canā€™t explain it further itā€™s just like common senseā€¦you can search on google about the behaviour of scammers the way they communicate and maybe it would help you determine if your buyer is doing real business. I got scam 3x i guess but not on instagram. That is life sometimes and who am i not to forgive those guysā€¦

Tips i can give is write down your goals and start your journey(donā€™t delay) work hard and aim on it. Above all itā€™s God who bless us. I do believed in the saying ā€œwhat you sow is what you reapā€. Iā€™m into journey of making 100-200 IG accounts and grow then organically no bots injections whatsoever as many of this is now on the market. LOL maybe iā€™m out of the topic but yeah. thatā€™s all for now maybe and hope i can contribute in this great forum in the future. BLESS UP EVERYONE!

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Iā€™m surprised no one said ecom as a way to monetize instagram. Heard of some folks setting up simple ecom shops and doing marketing solely from IG and making decent :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:

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Nice explanation

I was depressed and this reply made me laugh lol

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I made $350 in a month doing same but killed my accountā€™s engagement then after :see_no_evil: