Some Email Marketing Questions?

If I am able to send 100-300k Emails to Inbox directly,I am just confused how will I redirect them to my website?

Like for example,If I am sending 200k Emails a month,then should I mention my website in the email directly or via hyperlink? Would this get my domain blacklisted?

Question remains same,Should I start a campaign with directly mentioning my website or set up an autoresponder and when I get responses,only then I redirect them to my website?

Or I should buy multiple domains to be used as subdomains which has a sole purpose of outbound campaigns,can anyone answer this?

I’m interested to hear about this as well. Following this to hear what advices and suggestions you will get :slight_smile:

For the text you’ll be sending, you can check this thread and the last answer from Dimitri where you’ve got a good example on how your message should look like:

Looks like it does not exists or it is private.

You won’t even get to the 200K sent emails milestone before your domain and IP gets blacklisted.

Did you actually try this? I can send millions of emails a day, but that doesn’t mean that they will go to the inbox. It is more likely that the will go to spam.

I don’t really understand the difference between these 2.

If you send emails there are several bad things that can happen. The most common things are that the domain in the from address and the servers that send the emails will be blacklisted.

If you use your own servers to send the emails they will probbaly block your sending servers. If you use a service like Amazon SES or Mailgun this will probably not happen. But if many people mark your emails as spam these providers will ban your account to protect their reputation.

In both cases, your “from” domain can be blacklisted. There are several ways to avoid this:

  • Start sending emails slowly, just 10 a day, and increase this every day.
  • Use a reputation service. Usually they can provide you with hundreds of email addresses you have to include in your sending list. These email accounts will read your emails, mark them as “not spam”, move them to the right inbox, reply to some of the emails etc. The result is that if some of your real recipients will mark your email as spam the “balance” will stay in your favor.
  • Limit the number of emails you send with 1 domain.
  • Use different domains to send emails.

It is really not so simple anymore :wink:

Another thing you can do is:

  • Register a throw-away domain
  • Setup your own SMTP server on a cheap VPS (following all the technical requirements)
  • Just send the 300k emails today

90% will go to spam. 10% not. Some people read the emails in their spam folder. Most people will never see your email, but many will. It is still a cheap way to advertise services.

Who said I would use just one domain and ip to send emails?

People are doing it those who know exactly how to do it.You need multiple landing pages/subdomains redirecting it to your main landing page/website depending on the number of Emails you are looking to send.

My question still stays that how many landing pages/subdomains would be required to send that much of emails and how will the landing pages be mentioned in the email,text with hyperlink or html form?

This is the answer what I wanted.

I am totally aware about warmup,spam score,conten,text to html ratio and everything.But as you mentioned to use throwaway domains,don’t you think we even have to warmup those domains for atleast a month to be able to land into Inbox?

There is really no big difference between these 2 anymore. Most mail readers will convert a plain text link to a clickable link like it was included as a html link.

I use 1 domain per 500 daily emails, in combination with a reputation service.

Even if you use 1 domain to send 100 emails a day, if 10 people mark your email as spam each day a provider like gmail will put ALL your emails in spam after a week.

That warming up is nice. I do not know what kind of emails you want to send. If they are 100% legit you will have no problems. But if many people mark your email as spam in the warm-up period it makes no sense to warm-up the domains.

Thankyou,Do you warmup those throwaway emails or just use it directly?

Let’s say I make one email from one throwaway domain which I bought today,I would have to warmup those domain right because it goes to spam if we don’t warmup?

Yes I am aware about the spam reports people do,I would take care about it.

Also if I am buying a throwaway domain and redirecting it to my main domain,would google detect and blacklist it?

Or if I use one landing page and then redirect it to the main page having multiple landing pages,would my main domain have any effect with this?

I am gonna warmup with my own 1000s of Emails I have in total,that is not a problem at all as of now and all emails have different Ip’s.

It depends on the provider you are sending to. If you send email to hotmail, outlook (everything from Microsoft, and also own domains hosted by Microsoft) all emails from new and unknown domains will be put in spam from the beginning. Even if it is not spam at all. Their spam filter is very simple and basic. You really need to warm up these domains. The receiving email addresses should mark the email as not spam for some weeks and also reply to them.

If you are sending to Gmail (also their commercial service Gmail for own domains) emails will initially go to the inbox if you are sending not too much. But if people mark your email as spam all your emails will go to spam after that. A warm-up is useful if you want to send a lot. Gmail’s spam filter is one of the best.

I now make landing pages on “throwaway” domains. I do not redirect anymore. I load the content from the main domain dynamically on the “throwaway” domain. So there is no redirect. PHP and curl to get the content from the main domain. Same works also for links in a IG bio :wink:

So you mean you directly convert from the landing page?

No need to redirect them to the main website that means?

This is a brilliant idea actually,excellent.

You can do something like this:


$cache_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/cachefile.html';

if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
        echo file_get_contents($cache_file);

else {

    $config['useragent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0';
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $config['useragent']);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $output = curl_exec($ch);
	$output2 = str_replace('<title>The exact title of your main account.</title>','<title>This will be the tile of your landing page.</title>',$output);
    $output3 = str_replace('<meta name="description" content="the desc of your main account"/>','<meta name="description" content="description of your landing page"/>',$output2);
    echo $output3;
	$filehandle = fopen ($cache_file, 'w+');
    fwrite ($filehandle, $output3);
    fclose ($filehandle);


As the index.php in the root directory of your throw-away domain.

It first checks if the cache file of the main domain already exists. If not it will get the html from the main domain. I change the title and the description. After that you see the “echo” to display the result to the website visitor. That output is also saved to the cache file so the next visitor will get the result more quickly.
If your main domain changes often you can put something like this in a crontab to delete the cachefile each night:

5 0 * * * root find /var/www/clients/client1/web37/web/cachefile.html -mmin +120 -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1

You have to check if it works correctly. Sometimes you need to make more changes to load css or js files. Also make sure that forms work correctly and can post. But for simple html websites this works fine.

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