Sponsor IG users products and accept product from the,

Hey guys i really don’t know if i’m in the right section of the forums.
But anyway:
Let’s say i’m trying to sponsor some sellers, which means they will ship to me their products and i will promote them by review and unboxing their products.
The part that makes me a little bit scared, is the part of giving them my area code… my personal address… my mailbox address. With this kind of info, they can know exactly where i live, and i’m afraid that thing wont goes well and i will get bomb in a mail box lol…
Well bottom line my question is, Am i making myself crazy? Is it safe? Is there any smart idea on how to make this all “sharing my personal info” be more safer?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Post offices have boxes for sale. Just go and ask. You can use their adress plus box name.


why do i need boxes? i’m receiving boxes from sellers … not sending them boxes…

Box = space where they will keep your stuff (in the post office)

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Who are those sellers?ISIS?wtf


what do you mean sir’?

oh ok, so if i want i can call my post office and ask for a box with a unique/a post office address that i can give to the sellers to ship the items to?

Yes. You are going to have to pay for that box tho.

sure nothing is free haha
can you give me an example of a format with details that i need to provite to the seller?

if you run a business, your name,adresse etc WILL be out there. better to get used to it earlier.

also only because you are talking to people 1200km away does not mean your actions wont have a reaction.

what do you mean by that?
And how can i be sure the seller actually sends me the product… and not a bomb or a flue in a bag or something?

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LOL :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Ni :b::b:a what the fuck are you going to review? Link me up, brah. Whatever it is, it looks like the money will be good. :joy::joy::joy:

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I hope so lol haha

You can not be sure, welcome to life.

Casey neistat gets it right to his office doorstep.

Unbox theraphy gets it perhaps also to his office doorstep.

Some youtubers that don’t have an office gets it to the PO box, like kyle https://www.youtube.com/user/AwesomeSauceNews/about

and jerry https://twitter.com/barnacules/status/460874615980425218?lang=en

You must be new to the internet to not know how sponsorship products work.

And if someone really did send you a bomb, you should be happy, because even the most famous of youtubers didn’t get it.

Damn! Why would someone send you a bomb anyway?

“Oh this nobody must die. I will take an incredibly huge risk by sending a BOMB via mail so I can blow up this dude who’s just reviewing products.”

Seriously :unamused:

Now I agree there are sick people out there but why would they target you for crying out loud :joy:

Make sure you do Live video when unboxing, this way, if it’s a bomb you’ll get famous…

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Are you from Pakistan or what?

It’s not as easy to send a bomb via mail as you think…

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