Stories -- never ending source

A little thing I do is ask for submissions in stories and post from followers.

This is a 9k account … My new one . hopefully it will work for you to


Thanks for the tip. It sounds like a great idea - I will give it a try.


Great idea for user generated content :heart_eyes::fire:

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After they send the post to add, I ask if they would shout my account on their account. Seems to be working as many new followers are followers of the person in the story ( i don’t post account names).
The results in ER and growth speaks for itself.

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Can you elaborate a bit more?

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In bio I ask for submissions and in my story… its a sub much of quotes – snap chats,
they send em in, I post, ask them to shoutout my new account. Frankly have more content than time to post them all.


Makes sense.
They provide and you give them a little shoutout

They don’t realize what they’re actually giving you lol


I want stories to have high ER – right now on my 9k, – 2 days in new, average 4100+ a story. roughly 5 shares per story too. Not bad, not bad at all. It fuels their vanity. You do Vids… you could have another page just for user submitted stuff… then that account becomes a slave for a main.


4100+ stories view for 9k followers is really good ! if you keep active you will have high ER in the future with more followers

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hmmm. Looks interesting…

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thanks for your share :+1:

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Excellent idea as I experience high story ER generally helps the overall ER too.

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How do you help increase engagement on stories?

These are excellent ways mentioned above.

Make people interact!


Thanks! I run an music artist page, I guess the sliders, polls and questions will help alot?

Adding # and hiding them behind some emojis is also a good way to increase views


I have seen musicians encourage followers to sing a piece of their songs. They would then publish that piece in their stories in exchange that person would shout the artist.

But yet for this to be done you need somehow a solid account with a good amount of followers only for people to consider you interesting enough to be willing to do stuff for you.


Thanks for share ! :wink:

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The biggest thing I noticed helping increase the engagement on your stories was relevant content that your audience will interact with preferrably. So engaging content that they will watch over and over again, or even using IGs tools like pools will benefit you greatly.

I think there has to be an algorithm that works similarly like normal posts, where stories that do well with a certain your audience will be pushed further and further to your other followers, whereas sometimes you see stories of people you are following pushed way further back to the end behind other people so you don’t even see them except if you scroll to the right.

This post is a goldmine for me thanks! I often struggle with story content for my brand but this will be perfect to also interact with my followers. :fire::fire:

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To be honest I don’t put much effort into my stories. Will start mixing it up a bit and see how it goes :slight_smile:

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