Story Viewer settings in Jarvee

How many view/hour and views per day do you aim for in your Story Viewer settings for Jarvee. If someone has 5 posts in a story, is that just one view for the whole account or does that count as 5 views? Working with an account I can’t afford to get flagged.

Stories really don’t count on actions. Basically watch all you want. 1000 to 1500 is normal. Be warned uses a lot of data on connection


Does this cause faster growth from your tests?

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I’d reckon it improves retention more than growth

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short answer is no, the long one is nope. I found it not really helpful


I agree. Was not looking to use it for growth, but to just make our account look more human to my following.


I agree. I have tested many different strategies, with more than 10 accounts, viewing 300-500 stories per day and almost no new followers because of this.