Suddenly not able to follow anymore?

Hi there, I was doing F/U manual for quite some time (years) for my own account. However since a few weeks I am not able to manually on my real phone follow more than 5-10 users per day. Normally it was around 150 per day. Anybody knows what is going on? Does it have to do something with elections coming? My accounts is very very very aged with around 60K followers. My other accounts on the same mobile have no problem following 150 per day still. Please help!


Yes, I am experiencing the same issue. Some accounts can still follow 150 per day (manual follow actions on smartphone) others are getting daily blocks after 5-15 follows. Many of my clients also experiencing this issue.

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For how long do you notice this problem?

Ă€nd do you notice clients getting restored back to normal (150 per day)?

It started also a few weeks ago. We also have this issue on browser automated profiles…

When an account got hit with the block we currently do not have a solution to get back to 150 per day. They stuck at 5-12 follow per day… We tried 72h follow breaks but even then after 20-30 follows the next block appears.

I am wondering why there is no discussion here? So many users must have this issue?

Most people are not using F/U anymore

It is likely you are hitting a new 7, 10 or 30 day limit that Instagram has implemented
A 72h pause in F/u will not be enough to analyze what the new limits are
It used to be 150/day was sustainable, it may be now that only 3000/mo or 2000/mo or 1000/mo is the new limit

My other accounts can still follow lots of users like before. It seems like only part of the accounts are hit by this max 5-12 follows per day limit. I am wondering if this has something to do with usa elections. Also on reddit people are mentioning this new behaviour. Are there more people experiencing this?

Same issue here. Some accounts are able to perform upto 150 F actions a day. Whereas others get the “try again later” prompt within the first 10 F actions.

same problem here

Recently Instagram has updated its algorithms specifically to limit F/U and similar methods, it has affected everyone including aged accounts. Nothing to do with elections. Your other account most likely will get restricted as well.
To lift the restriction you can try stopping f/u activities for a few days while still doing normal activities (liking, sharing, commenting) and then slowly starting f/u again.

There are ways to get around the limits and restrictions though and successfully do 2-3k follows/unfollows a day.