The ad was rejected for 27. Unacceptable Business Practices

Ad Can’t Run: Update Website URL(s)

This ad can’t run because it promotes products, services, schemes or offers using deceptive or misleading practices, including those meant to scam people out of money or personal information (ex: products that claim to boost Facebook likes). These types of practices don’t comply with our Advertising Policies.

If you’ve read our policies and think that we made a mistake, you can request a second review by our team.

Can anybody help with it? This is a message ad, it is a enterprise facebook ad account.

What Ad are you running? For which service? What’s the landing page? What is the ad copy? The creative? So many factors that go into an ad being rejected, and you’re not giving us any info :slight_smile:

It is a kind of testing for free ad. Aim to promote the product that were selling on amazon. I am testing the picture by the tool. The text on one image is ok, and the other one is low.

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