(Thead closed-All given away !)100 pv Twitter accounts Given Free to new members 10 each member!

If there some left accounts, count me in :slight_smile:

Click on the icon “green j” the send me the message , got 40 accnts more so go fast !

There are ! Send private message with your mail to send them to you !

@mbrstart sended

Love to receive some acc. Thanks

give me 10; I’m a new kid in town

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pm me mail to send in 5-6 hour

Hi, i want 10!:joy::muscle:

`send me your mail

20 accnts more guys

please send me 10.

give me 10 please

hey man can you please send me ? thank you bro

accs sended to mail !

send me your mail they are the last 10

Pm you. thank you my friend.

Humm. How are the accounts PVA`ed do you have the sim, if you do; could you reset the password at any time and claim the accounts back? :scream:

Do you think i’m so dum i would not only give away the accnts but also the sims ? Bot that prints real sims from my cd player does not exist(yet).Also why would i gave them if i want to steal them to new members that propably with grow them the wrong way and 90% of accnts will be dead soon enough…Try changing the mail to secure them is the best way , also have in mind at all bought accnts(almost) mails are bought also , so the creator of mails can take them back.So the first step is changing mail completely , or mail credentials for security