Tiktok algorithm open thread

Has anyone figured out the tiktok algorithm to blow up an account? I know that your latest 5 video engagement determine what your new video will do and how it will be pushed. Also the best time to post is between 9:30-11:30 pm. Reason being is that it’s a main media for high schooler and they’re on their phones before bed.

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I can’t completely disprove this, but rather only share my experiences. Here the view counts of the 11 videos that I’ve posted (in chronological order):


As you can see, the numbers are all over the map, irrespective of the 5 videos preceding them.

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the algorithm is super confusing. I’ve had videos with 500k+ views and currently have 13.2 K followers so I’ll share my knowledge so far.
initial views ARE impacted by shares/comments/rewatches (I’ve tested this by making another account to interact w mine). they show it slowly to people and if there’s enough likes (usually would say 10-20% of views are likes. like if you’re at 50 views and have >5 likes that’s good) then it’ll keep showing it. once you hit like ~250 views it’ll skyrocket until it gets to ~1000. at that point if your like:view is around >30% you’ll go viral(ish) like at least 10k views if it’s like 40-50% you’ll go over 100k views viral. if it’s below that you’re done.

idk these are the numbers I’ve personally noticed. it’s more about figuring out what people like. also using songs and hashtags that are trending helps a lot.

my account is @bradandclara btw. in the “couple niche” and the longer we’re in it the easier it is to figure out what’s gonna go viral.


I made an account two days ago, posted two videos, I’m currently at 5k total likes, 20k+ views and 2k followers… I’m getting addicted already


Wow that’s really impressive well done!

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TikTok is kinda weird. There are Videos that I made months or weeks ago that land on the “for you” page and blow up

from my testing so far it seems
likes, comments don’t count. ( that one was hard to swallow, but really they don’t, at first)
what matters is

1. Completion rate – the higher it is, the more it gets spread to other viewers.

This means it goes to a pool of viewers (in that particular niche – your videos MUST all be one specific area – if you do makeup – KEEP ALL makeup related. – if you do cars, keep it all cars)
2. How many like it in that pool the first send it.

From my research it seems it gets sent to s certain number of people at the start – its first entry – if it does good in views and completion rate it gets sent to more viewers, just like youtube and insta.)

thats just what i seen. Now I have 4 accounts each has 5 videos – all sucked. It is time to destroy those accounts and start new.
Lessons learned.


likes and comments definitely matter I’ve tested this and have 500k total likes haha

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all i been seeing, if after 5 videos you don’t have decent views or completion time. That account is toast. Dead.

you did not read my entire post or I explained wrong. it goes in waves dude, first cold start they look at completion rate of the video – likes can be fakes, views to a random pool cannot. If they viewed the entire video – of course ya gonna have more see and more like it because it got pushed to more

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whew thank god there s a real experience post… i was beginning to doubt my coolness since i cant get any traction with ticktock

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Surely this means that the shorter videos are, the better they will inherently do?

Interesting Videos are better :sweat_smile:

But sometimes it just takes time until the Videos get on the „For You“ page. I‘ve noticed that most of the time the videos that I see on the „for you“ page are not the Newest Videos of the Creators but older ones

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yes – 8 to 12-15 seconds. I try to do 8-9 seconds


Not sure if that’s the rule, but I’ve certainly found it to be true.