Tiktok re-uploading works?

Since TikTok is all the rage now, I was wondering if it works like it used to work for Instagram.

Would accounts be ok if I re-upload stuff from other accounts also on TT? Maybe change their location? Anyone tried it?


Works incredibly well. Don’t use TikTok videos with watermarks. Don’t use copyrighted stuff. Don’t post more than 4ish times per day. Don’t delete any videos. :slight_smile:


Cool, thanks. TikTok here I come then, as I’m not really a content creator…

this one is strange though, why, what happens if you delete videos?


It just makes the algorithm lose trust in you. It isn’t specific to reposting accounts. If you do that, your videos might get 0 views for awhile after. Giving you all of the tips from experience haha


Haha, interesting and definitely good to know! Much appreciated

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yes as long as you keep it safe and reasonable, you can re-posts videos with no issues.

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Well, what exactly do you mean by safe and reasonable - that’s what I was interested in.

what I do is this, find the video that a want to repost, make sure that it doesn’t have any watermarks on it or copyrighted things, I don’t publish the same video multiple times and I don’t do more than 5 reposts per day, maximum of 3 hashtags and I stick to one niche, for me it’s the trending challenges


how do you make it look like a new video?
Screen recording gets flagged, and inshot doesn’t work either. Gets flagged right away. I want to repost some tiktok videos, not just videos from insta or youtube…

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Where are you screen recording videos? TikTok ? Youtube ?

Why max 3 tags? Do you get penalized for more

i use both TikTok and youtube, generally i don’t face any issues when re-posting as long as the video don’t have any watermarks, sometimes some videos keep showing 0 views for weeks but that happens to a very few not all, the 3 hashtags was a choice based on results from my tests i noticed that 3 hashtags give me better results.


I posted a little guide on this subject, have a look in this section


mind if you link it here?

My journey:

Guide: How to create a tiktok repost page with minimal effort


perfect, thank you and good luck with your journey, I am following it :wink:

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@NoNewsIsBadNews any updates? did you try the uploading stuff ? did you get any good results?

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note yet Luca , something else came up and had no time, will try and do it next week :slight_smile:


I feel like when you reupload videos they know or something because a lot of them dont get hte views that they should but when i upload original content its at 20-30k views within the day.

If a video on tiktok never published before, it works.
Else it did not work.

That’s It.

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