Time to grind again!

Hello everyone, great to be here!

I have been practicing social media marketing since 2015, mainly growing Twitter accounts and reselling and SMM for gaming companies, but taken a break during the last 1.5-2 year due to university and IRL stuff.

I am here to meet interesting people that share the same mindset with me, get into Instagram marketing (hopefully not to late) and eventually make some money out of doing something I love.

Thanks! :smiley:


Welcome! It’s never too late to get into the IG game haha.


Welcome! We’re glad you’re here. Looking forward to following your posts!


Welcome to the forum, looking forward to your posts here as well! Stay grinding :v:t2:


Welcome to the gang - if you maintain your grind mindset for sure you will go far…

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Hopefully it isn’t, I have been following the IG game for some time now but never invested much time into it before now!

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Thanks for the great words my dude!

It’s never too late, but this game gets harder and harder every day.

Welcome and good luck!


Welcome! :partying_face:
Well, you’re lucky u landed in the right place.


Welcome bro, hope that you can get and share some good knowledge and experience in this forum.

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Welcome to the forum mate! You’re not late at all, don’t worry.

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What up! Good to have you here! :smiley:

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Welcome to mp man

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Welcome to MPSocial. I hope you’ll share some of your methods on how to grow Twitter accounts efficiently. We have most of IG stuff covered, but not many about Twitter, many would benefit from this :slight_smile:

Enjoy your stay


welcome aboard!

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Your most welcome !:blush:
It’s great that you are happy, it is important to be happy to do good work. You share also social media related knowledge with us.

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Welcome - there is never a time to stop grinding, it is just your mindset and dedication.

Keep it going :rofl:


Welcome - keep it up!

Some days ago Instagram update the platform, so it will be more difficult.

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you’re Welcome bro and happy to see interesting people like you too in the community ,we share the same mindset ,Work hard and smart

yeah and hit just old accs all the new accounts are following without any problem bro after i rested them for 3 days